Dictionary English German: ML

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SYNO   cc | cubic centimeter ... 
unit milliliter <ml> [Am.]
Milliliter {m} {n} <ml>
unit millilitre <ml> [Br.]
Milliliter {m} {n} <ml>
geogr. pol. Mali <.ml>
Mali {n}
unit megaliter <Ml, ML> [Am.]Megaliter {m} [auch {n}] <Ml, ML>
unit megalitre <Ml, ML> [Br.]Megaliter {m} [auch {n}] <Ml, ML>
med. mucolipidosis <ML>Mukolipidose {f} <ML>
med. myeloleukaemia <ML> [Br.]Myeloleukämie {f} <ML>
med. myeloleukemia <ML> [Am.]Myeloleukämie {f} <ML>
med. myelolipoma <ML>Myelolipom {n} <ML>
2 Words
comp. tech. machine learning <ML>Machine Learning {n} <ML> [maschinelles Lernen]
comp. markup language <ML>Auszeichnungssprache {f}
comp. Internet markup language <ML>Beschreibungssprache {f}
comp. Internet markup language <ML>Markup-Sprache {f}
electr. measuring line <ML>Messleitung {f} <ML>
measuring line <ML>Messlinie {f}
measuring line <ML>Messschnur {f}
anat. VetMed. medial lobe <ML> [Lobus medius]Mittellappen {m} <ML>
anat. VetMed. middle lobe <ML> [Lobus medius]Mittellappen {m} <ML>
med. mucocutaneous leishmaniasis <ML>Schleimhautleishmaniose {f}
med. mucocutaneous leishmaniasis <ML>mukokutane Leishmaniose {f}
med. myeloid leukaemia <ML> [Br.]myeloische Leukämie {f} <ML>
med. myeloid leukemia <ML> [Am.]myeloische Leukämie {f} <ML>
3 Words
stat. maximum likelihood estimation <MLE, ML estimation> [spv.]Maximum-Likelihood-Schätzverfahren {n} <MLS, ML-Schätzverfahren>
stat. maximum-likelihood estimation <MLE, ML estimation>Maximum-Likelihood-Schätzverfahren {n} <MLS, ML-Schätzverfahren>
geogr. pol. Republic of Mali <.ml>Republik {f} Mali
5+ Words
in quantities of 125 ml {adv}achtelliterweise
in quantities of 250 ml {adv}viertelliterweise
biotech. unit colony-forming units per milliliter <cfu/ml> [Am.]koloniebildende Einheiten {pl} pro Milliliter <KbE/ml>
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