Dictionary English German: Lion's

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art myth. zool. lion's bodyLöwenkörper {m}
lion's denLöwengrube {f}
sports lion's den [coll.] [sport venue with an inflamed atmosphere]Hexenkessel {m} [ugs.] [enthusiastische Fans in einem Stadion]
lion's headLöwenkopf {m}
lion's maneLöwenmähne {f}
lion's roarLöwengebrüll {n}
lion's shareHauptanteil {m}
lion's shareLöwenanteil {m}
zool. lion's skullLöwenschädel {m}
3 Words: Nouns
geogr. Lion's Den State [rare nickname] [State of Tennessee][seltener Spitzname für Tennessee, USA]
4 Words: Verbs
idiom to take the lion's sharesichDat. den Löwenanteil sichern
4 Words: Nouns
art furn. lion / lion's paw feet [on objects]Löwentatzen {pl}
Lion's Gate of MycenaeLöwentor {n} von Mykene
5+ Words: Others
He stepped into the lion's den.Er begab sich in die Höhle des Löwen.
5+ Words: Verbs
to put one's head in the lion's mouth [idiom]sich in die Höhle des Löwen begeben [Redewendung]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F The Adventure of the Lion's Mane [Arthur Conan Doyle]Die Löwenmähne
lit. F The Lion's Game [Nelson DeMille]Das Spiel des Löwen
lit. F The Little Vampire in the Lion's DenDer kleine Vampir in der Höhle des Löwen [Angela Sommer-Bodenburg]
art bibl. F Daniel in the Lion's DenDaniel {m} in der Löwengrube
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
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zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
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