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| to line sth. [border, cordon] | 189 etw.Akk. säumen [Straßen etc.] | |
| ind. tech. to line sth. | 164 etw.Akk. auskleiden | |
| to line sth. [cover the inside surface (of a container)] | 106 etw.Akk. ausschlagen [(ein Behältnis) mit Stoff etc. auskleiden] | |
| cloth. textil. to line sth. | 71 etw.Akk. füttern [Stoff] | |
| to line sth. [cover the inner surface of] | 49 etw.Akk. auslegen [auskleiden] | |
| to line sth. [border, edge] | 30 etw.Akk. umsäumen | |
| textil. to line sth. [e.g. a coat] | 30 etw.Akk. abfüttern [mit Futterstoff versehen] [z. B. einen Mantel] | |
| to line sth. [internally with fabric, e.g. a coat or the inside of a box] | 18 etw.Akk. auspolstern | |
| to line sth. [print lines on paper] | 16 etw.Akk. linieren | |
| to line [cordon] | (ein) Spalier bilden | |
Nouns |
| line | 1229 Linie {f} | |
| lit. line <l.> [of a poem, document, etc.] | 853 Zeile {f} <Z.> | |
| tech. telecom. line | 524 Leitung {f} <Ltg.> | |
| line | 357 Strich {m} | |
| line [Am.: waiting queue] | 347 Warteschlange {f} | |
| rail line | 232 Strecke {f} | |
| ind. line [assembly line] | 219 Fließband {n} | |
| line [rule, principle] | 204 Grundsatz {m} | |
| rail line | 173 Trasse {f} [Linienführung] | |
| line [Am.] [of people waiting] | 141 Schlange {f} [Warteschlange] | |
| line [of people, cars etc.] | 109 Reihe {f} | |
| line [washing, fishing] | 108 Leine {f} | |
| rail line [railroad track] | 77 Gleis {n} [Fahrspur] | |
| line [remark] | 77 Spruch {m} | |
| comm. line | 73 Produkt {n} | |
| math. line [straight line] | 71 Gerade {f} | |
| comm. line | 66 Artikel {m} | |
| telecom. line | 50 Anschluss {m} | |
| film lit. line [of a plot] | 44 Strang {m} [einer Handlung] | |
| line [clothesline, washing line] | 42 Wäscheleine {f} | |
| mus. line [in a stave] | 42 Notenlinie {f} | |
| line [of thought, view etc.] | 42 Richtung {f} [Denk-, Blick-] | |
| line [field of activity] | 38 Branche {f} | |
| constr. line | 37 Richtschnur {f} | |
| fin. line [credit line] | 37 Kreditlinie {f} | |
| econ. market. line | 36 Linie {f} [MLM] | |
| line [Am.] [coll.] [racket] | 36 Masche {f} [ugs.] [Trick] | |
| line [string, cord] | 34 Schnur {f} | |
| rail line [railroad line] | 31 Bahnlinie {f} | |
| sports line [fishing] | 30 Schnur {f} | |
| lit. line <l.> | 30 Vers {m} <V.> | |
| film RadioTV theatre line [e.g. I've forgotten my lines] | 27 Textzeile {f} [einer Figur im Theater, Kino etc.] | |
| insur. line | 26 Sparte {f} | |
| line [border] | 26 Grenze {f} [Schnee-, Baum-, Staats-] | |
| econ. line [of business] | 26 Fach {n} [Branche] | |
| ind. line [assembly line] | 23 Band {n} [Fließband] | |
| games line [chess] | 23 Zugfolge {f} [Schach] | |
| games line [chess] | 22 Abspiel {n} [Schach] | |
| line [furrow] | 21 Furche {f} | |
| med. line | 20 Tropf {m} [ugs.] | |