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 | light {adj} [bright] | 2167 hell |  |
 | light {adj} | 1642 leicht [Gewicht, schwach, geringfügig, nicht wichtig, unbeschwert] |  |
 | light {adj} | 771 licht |  |
 | cloth. light {adj} | 440 luftig |  |
 | meteo. light {adj} [mild] | 346 gelinde [Regen, Frost, Wind] |  |
 | diet {adj} [as printed on the label of a food product or beverage] | 31 light [Aufschrift auf einer Lebensmittelverpackung] |  |
 | print publ. light {adj} | 29 leicht [Schriftschnitt] |  |
 | light {adj} [of taxes] | 11 niedrig [Besteuerung] |  |
 | FoodInd. spec. light {adj} [e.g. whisky, wine] | 5 leicht [z. B. Whisky, Wein] |  |
 | light {adj} [attr.] [e.g. artist, barrier, conditions, deficiency, filter] | Licht- [z. B. Künstler, Schranke, Verhältnisse, Mangel, Filter] |  |
 | light {adj} [attr.] [e.g. beacon, box, buoy, indicator table] | Leucht- [z. B. Bake, Kasten, Boje, Anzeige, Tisch] |  |
 | light {adj} [e.g. aircraft, cargo, concrete, metal, motorcycle] | Leicht- [z. B. Flugzeug, Gut, Beton, Metall, Kraftrad] |  |
 | light {adj} [punishment] | mild / milde |  |
 | lite {adj} [fig.] [postpos.] [coll.] [simpler, weaker version of sb./sth.] | light [fig.] [nachgestellt] [weniger anspruchsvoll, einfacher] |  |
Verbs |
 | to light sth. [e.g., fire, match, candle, cigarette] | 1448 etw.Akk. anzünden [z. B. Feuer, Streichholz, Kerze, Zigarette] |  |
 | to light sth. [a lamp, the oven, a fire, etc.] | 588 etw.Akk. anmachen [ugs.] [eine Lampe, den Ofen, ein Feuer etc.] |  |
 | to light [a street, the stage etc.] | 509 beleuchten [Straße, Bühne etc.] |  |
 | to light sth. [e.g. a gas oven] | 462 etw.Akk. anfeuern [z. B. Gasofen] |  |
 | to light sth. [illuminate] | 363 etw. erleuchten [Raum etc.] |  |
 | to light sth. [illuminate] | 348 etw. erhellen [Raum etc.] |  |
 | to light [to dismount] | 13 absteigen |  |
 | to light [on / in sth.] [come to rest] [bird, fly, etc.] | sich niederlassen [auf / in etw.] [Vogel, Fliege usw.] |  |
Nouns |
 | light | 2185 Licht {n} |  |
 | traffic light [traffic light] | 463 Ampel {f} |  |
 | light | 53 Beleuchtung {f} |  |
 | light [lamp] | 53 Lampe {f} |  |
 | light [for a cigarette] | 40 Feuer {n} [für Zigarette] |  |
 | light | 23 Leuchte {f} |  |
 | light | 18 Schein {m} [Licht] |  |
 | light | 10 Helligkeit {f} |  |
 | light | 10 Lichtschein {m} |  |
 | light [source of light] | 9 Lichtquelle {f} |  |
 | naut. light [lighthouse] | Leuchtturm {m} |  |
2 Words: Others |
 | print publ. tech. extra-light {adj} [font weight] [spv.: Extra-light, Extra-Light, extra light] | leicht [Strichstärke/Schriftstärke] |  |
 | feather-light {adj} | federleicht |  |
 | light blond {adj} | lichtblond |  |
 | light blonde {adj} | hellblond |  |
 | light blue {adj} | bleu |  |
 | light blue {adj} | hellblau |  |
 | light blue {adj} | lichtblau |  |
 | hort. light branched {adj} | leicht verzweigt |  |
 | light brown {adj} | dunkelblond |  |
 | light brown {adj} | hellbraun |  |
 | light fast {adj} | lichtecht |  |
 | light gray {adj} [Am.] | hellgrau |  |
 | light green {adj} | hellgrün |  |
 | light green {adj} | lichtgrün [hellgrün] |  |
 | light grey {adj} [Br.] | hellgrau |  |
 | optics light microscopically {adv} | lichtmikroskopisch |  |
 | light pink {adj} | hellrosa |  |