Dictionary English German: Law

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NOUN1   a law [single rule] | laws
NOUN2   law [body of rules] | -
acad. phys. law [of nature etc.]
Gesetz {n} [Naturgesetz etc.]
law law
Gesetz {n} <Ges.>
law pol. law [body of laws, system]
Recht {n}
acad. law law
Jura [artikellos]
acad. law law
Rechtswissenschaft {f}
law [rule]
Regel {f}
law law [system]
Rechtswesen {n}
acad. jobs law law
Juristerei {f} [pej., oft hum.]
acad. law
Lehrsatz {m}
educ. law law [as a field of study]
Jurisprudenz {f} [geh.]
hunting sports law
Vorgabe {f}
law [at university]
Jus {n} [österr.] [schweiz.] [sonst veraltend]
bibl. relig. the Lawder Pentateuch {m}
the law [coll.] [police]die Polizei {f}
bibl. relig. the Law {sg}die fünf Bücher {pl} Mose
2 Words: Others
law by law {adv}gesetzlich
law by law {adv}de iure [fachspr.]
law by law {adv}de jure [fachspr.]
law by law {adv}nach Gesetz [gemäß G.]
law by law {adv}per Gesetz
by law {adv}nach dem Gesetz
by law {adv}von Rechts wegen
law common law {adj} [attr.] [other than Anglo-American]gemeinrechtlich
law in law {adv} [in the eyes of the law]vor dem Gesetz
in-law {adj}angeheiratet
law-abiding {adj}gesetzestreu
law law-abiding {adj}rechtliebend [veraltet]
law-abiding {adj}rechtstreu
law-abiding {adj}das Gesetz befolgend
law-abiding {adj}die Gesetze einhaltend
2 Words: Verbs
law to become lawrechtskräftig werden [Verordnung]
law to become lawin Kraft treten
jobs law to practice law [Am.]als Anwalt tätig sein
jobs law to practise law [Br.]Anwalt sein
law to practise law [Br.]Anwaltspraxis ausüben
jobs law to practise law [Br.]als Jurist tätig sein
educ. law to read lawRechtswissenschaft studieren
acad. educ. law to read law [esp. Br.]Jura studieren
educ. law to study lawJura studieren
educ. law to study lawJus studieren [österr.]
educ. law to take lawJura studieren
2 Words: Nouns
law (law) courtsGerichte {pl}
law abortion lawAbtreibungsgesetz {n}
law med. abortion lawAbtreibungsrecht {n} [Gesetzgebung § 218] [nicht fachsprachlich]
absolute lawunbedingtes Gesetz {n}
law adjective lawVerfahrensrecht {n}
law adjective lawformelles Recht {n}
law administrative lawVerwaltungsgesetz {n}
law administrative lawVerwaltungsrecht {n}
law admiralty lawSeerecht {n}
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