Dictionary English German: LP

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SYNO   33er | LP | Langspielplatte ... 
educ. credit point <CP>Leistungspunkt {m} <LP>
Internet deletion review <DRV> [Wikipedia]Löschprüfung {f} <LP> [Wikipedia]
med. lactase persistence <LP>Laktasepersistenz {f} <LP> [auch: Laktase-Persistenz]
large packaging <LP>Großverpackung {f}
med. laryngeal papillomatosis <LP>Kehlkopfpapillomatose {f}
med. laryngeal papillomatosis <LP>laryngeale Papillomatose {f}
leadership programme [Br.] <LP>Leadership-Programm {n} <LSP> [Trainingsprogramm für Führungskräfte]
econ. lean production <LP>Lean Production {f} <LP>
econ. lean production <LP>Lean-Produktion {f} <LP>
games Let's Play <LP> [playthrough of a computer or video game with commentary]Let's Play {n} <LP> [Vorführen und begleitendes Kommentieren eines Computer- oder Videospiels]
insur. TrVocab. liability protection <LP>Haftpflichtversicherung {f} <HPV>
med. lichen planus <LP> [also: lichen ruber planus]Lichen ruber planus {m}
Lidcombe program <LP> [logopedics]Lidcombe-Programm {n} <LP> [Logopädie]
electr. lightning protection <LP>Blitzschutz {m}
stat. likelihood principle <LP>Wahrscheinlichkeitsprinzip {n}
MedTech. phys. line pair <LP, lp>Linienpaar {n} <LP>
comp. electr. math. linear programming <LP>lineare Programmierung {f} <LP>
comp. linear programming <LP>lineares Programmieren {n}
med. lipoid proteinosis <LP>Lipoidproteinose {f}
material liquid phase <LP>flüssige Phase {f}
mil. listening post <LP>Horchposten {m}
med. lithotomy position <LP>Steinschnittlage {f} <SSL>
mus. long-player <LP>Longplayer {m} <LP>
low pressure <LP>Unterdruck {m}
med. lumbar puncture <LP>Lumbalpunktion {f} <LP>
med. lumbar puncture <LP>Spinalpunktion {f}
sociol. significant other <SO, sig ot>Lebenspartner {m} <Lp>
3 Words: Nouns
math. spec. linear programming relaxationLP-Relaxation {f}
mus. long-playing record <LP>33er {f} [ugs.] [Langspielplatte]
mus. long-playing record <LP>Langspielplatte {f} <LP>
tech. low-pressure casting <LP casting>Niederdruckguss {m} <ND>
electr. printed circuit board <PCB>Leiterplatte {f} <LP>
audio sound pressure level <SPL, Lp> [in hearing aids]Schalldruck {m} [hier: Schalldruckpegel] <SPL, Lp>
4 Words: Nouns
MedTech. phys. line pairs per millimeter <LP/mm, lp/mm> [Am.]Linienpaare {pl} pro Millimeter <LP/mm, lp/mm>
EU palmprint latent against palmprint <LP/PP>Handflächenabdruckspur {f} gegen Handflächenabdruck
5+ Words: Nouns
EU palmprint latent against unsolved palmprint latent <LP/ULP>Handflächenabdruckspur {f} gegen offene Handflächenabdruckspur
» See 2 more translations for LP within comments
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