Dictionary English German: Kur

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NOUN   die Kur | die Kuren
med. cure
Kur {f}
med. regimen
Kur {f}
med. regime
Kur {f}
equest. kur [vaulting, dressage riding]
Kür {f} [Voltigieren, Dressurreiten]
med. (health) cureKur {f}
med. course of treatmentKur {f}
med. treatment courseKur {f} [länger dauernde Heilbehandlung]
hist. pol. election [in Holy Roman Empire]Kur {f} [Wahl] [im Heiligen Römischen Reich]
hist. electoral college [HRE, assembly which elected the Roman German King]Kur {f} [Wahlversammlung zur Bestimmung des römisch-deutschen Königs]
2 Words
Bantingism [diet]Banting-Kur {f} [Diät]
effective curewirksame Kur {f}
3 Words
med. travel to be on a health cure [in a spa]auf Kur sein [in einem Kurort]
med. to take a cureeine Kur machen
med. travel to take the waters [archaic]eine Kur machen
med. travel to go to a health resort / spain Kur gehen
med. mother-child cureMutter-Kind-Kur {f}
4 Words
med. Falta's flour and fruit dietFalta Mehl-Früchte-Kur {f} [Kostform zur Einstellung azidotischer Diabetiker]
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