Dictionary English German: Kristall

Translation 1 - 16 of 16

NOUN1   der Kristall | die Kristalle
NOUN2   das Kristall [Material] | -
NOUN3   das Kristall [Kristallwaren] | -
mineral. phys. crystal [crystalline solid]
Kristall1 {m} [fester Körper]
crystal [glass]
Kristall2 {n} [Kristallglas]
crystalwareKristall3 {n} [Kristallwaren, z. B. Gläser]
2 Words
to cut crystalKristall schleifen
pharm. co-crystalCo-Kristall {m}
cut crystalgeschliffenes Kristall {n}
furn. crystal chandelierKristall-Luster {m}
brew crystal wheat (beer)Kristall-Weizen {n}
phys. photonic crystalphotonischer Kristall {m}
Red Crystal [third protocol emblem of the ICRC ]Roter Kristall {m} [Zeichen des dritten Zusatzprotokolls, IKRK]
phys. Wigner crystal <WC>Wigner-Kristall {m}
3 Words
to cut a crystaleinen Kristall schleifen
med. Charcot-Leyden crystal <CLC>Charcot-Leyden-Kristall {m}
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F The Dark Crystal [Jim Henson, Frank Oz]Der dunkle Kristall
games F Sonic Boom: Shattered CrystalSonic Boom: Der zerbrochene Kristall
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
fish T
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