Dictionary English German: Kabuki Make up Syndrom

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NOUN   das Kabuki-Make-up-Syndrom | -
med. Kabuki makeup syndrome <KMS> [dated] [Kabuki syndrome]Kabuki-Make-up-Syndrom {n} [veraltet] [Kabuki-Syndrom]
Partial Matches
med. Kabuki syndromeKabuki-Syndrom {n}
cosmet. to be caked in make-upmit Make-up zugekleistert sein
cosmet. to put on one's make-upsein Make-up auflegen
cosmet. eye make-up removerAugen-Make-up-Entferner {m}
cosmet. pancake make-upfestes Puder-Make-up {n}
theatre theatre make-up [Br.]Theater-Make-up {n}
cosmet. make-up [esp. Br.]Make-up {n}
cosmet. heavy make-upstarkes Make-up {n}
cosmet. make-up jarMake-up-Tiegel {m}
cosmet. make-up removerMake-up-Entferner {m}
cosmet. make-up spongeMake-up-Schwämmchen {n}
cosmet. movie make-upFilm-Make-up {n}
cosmet. office make-upBüro-Make-up {n}
theatre stage make-upBühnen-Make-up {n}
cosmet. subtle make-updezentes Make-up {n}
theatre kabukiKabuki {n}
to touch up one's make-upsich nachschminken
cosmet. unmade-up {adj}ohne Make-up
theatre theater make-up [Am.]Theater-Make-up {n}
cosmet. maquillageMake-up {n}
print to make upumbrechen
to make upvervollständigen
to make upzurechtmachen
to make upzusammenbinden
to make upzusammenbringen
to make upzusammenstellen
make-upAufmachung {f}
make-upAusstaffierung {f}
film theatre make-upMaske {f}
cosmet. make-upSchminke {f}
cosmet. make-upSchminken {n}
make-upStruktur {f}
print make-upUmbruch {m}
make-upVerfassung {f}
film film make-upFilm-Make-up {n}
cosmet. makeup [cosmetic]Make-up {n}
to make uppacken [Paket]
make-up [composition]Aufbau {m}
without make-up {adj}ungeschminkt
to make up (for)aufholen
to make up forersetzen
coolant make-upKühlmittelaufbereitung {f}
eye make-upAugenschminke {f}
film film make-upFilmschminke {f}
genetic make-upErbanlage {f}
biol. genetic make-upErbgut {n}
make-up accessoriesSchminkutensilien {pl}
make-up artVisagistik {f}
film jobs theatre make-up artistMaskenbildner {m}
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