Dictionary English German: KP

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SYNO   KP | kitchen police
phys. unit kilopond <kp> [dated]
Kilopond {n} <kp> [veraltet]
phys. unit kilogram-force <kgf> [dated]Kilopond {n} <kp> [veraltet]
chem. boiling point <b.p.>Kochpunkt {m} <Kp>
educ. credit point <CP>Kreditpunkt {m} <KP>
admin. detective squad [Am.]Kriminalpolizei {f} <KP>
mil. kitchen patrol <KP> [also: KP duty or kitchen police] [US Army and US Air Force]Küchendienst {m}
mil. KP duty [kitchen police, kitchen patrol]Küchendienst {m}
phys. short-pulse laser <SP laser, SPL> [also: shortpulse laser]Kurzpulslaser {m} <KP-Laser, KPL>
geogr. North Korea <.kp> [internet TLD is inactive] <NK>Nordkorea {n}
2 Words
No idea!Kein Plan! <kP> [ugs.]
idiom Internet I don't know. <idk, IDK>Kein Plan. <kP> [ugs.]
geogr. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa <KP, KPK>Khyber Pakhtunkhwa {n}
med. pharm. clinical pharmacology <CP>klinische Pharmakologie {f} <KP>
med. MedTech. QM clinical investigation <CI>klinische Prüfung {f} <KP>
pol. Communist Party <CP>Kommunistische Partei {f} <KP>
meteo. Kp-indexKp-Index {m}
3 Words
geogr. pol. Democratic People's Republic of Korea <.kp ><DPRK> [North Korea]Demokratische Volksrepublik {f} Korea [Nordkorea]
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