Dictionary English German: Japanese

Translation 1 - 50 of 724  >>

English German
ADJ   Japanese | more Japanese | most Japanese
NOUN1   a Japanese [person] | Japanese
NOUN2   Japanese [language] | -
Japanese {adj}
japanisch <jap.>
ling. Japanese2
Japanisch {n}
acad. ling. Japanese {sg} [Japanese language study]Japanwissenschaften {pl} [japanische Sprache]
ethn. the Japanese {pl}die Japaner {pl} [als Volk]
2 Words: Others
anti-Japanese {adj}japanfeindlich
in Japanese {adv}auf Japanisch
Japanese-based {adj} [company, family, person etc.]in Japan ansässig [Firma, Familie, Person etc.]
Japanese-based {adj} [person]in Japan lebend
Japanese-born {adj}in Japan geboren
Japanese-raised {adj} [person]in Japan aufgewachsen
ling. Japanese-speaking {adj}japanischsprachig
non-Japanese {adj}nichtjapanisch
2 Words: Nouns
ethn. Japanese (person)Japaner {m}
ethn. Japanese (person) [female]Japanerin {f}
geogr. Japanese AlpsJapanische Alpen {pl}
Japanese Americanjapanischer Amerikaner {m}
Japanese ash [veneer]Tamo {n} [Furnier]
Japanese bondage [BDSM]Japan-Bondage {f} {n} [BDSM]
educ. ling. Japanese courseJapanischkurs {m}
gastr. Japanese cuisinejapanische Küche {f}
ling. Japanese dictionaryJapanischwörterbuch {n}
med. VetMed. Japanese encephalitis <JE>Japanische Enzephalitis {f} <JE>
pol. textil. Japanese flagJapanfahne {f}
pol. textil. Japanese flagJapanflagge {f}
pol. Japanese flagjapanische Flagge {f}
Japanese gook [Am.] [sl.] [pej.]Japse {m} [pej.]
ling. Japanese languagejapanische Sprache {f}
bot. gastr. Japanese persimmon [fruit]Kakipflaume {f}
tools Japanese planeKanna {m}
Japanese sawJapansäge {f}
Japanese seat [seiza]japanischer Sitz {m} [Seiza]
Japanese silkJapanseide {f}
Japanese silkJapon {m} [Seide]
Japanese silkjapanische Seide {f}
Japanese spatulaJapanspachtel {m} {f}
acad. ling. lit. Japanese studies {pl}Japanologie {f}
acad. ling. lit. Japanese studies <JS>Japanwissenschaften {pl}
educ. jobs ling. Japanese teacherJapanischlehrer {m}
educ. jobs ling. Japanese teacher [female]Japanischlehrerin {f}
Japanese teahousejapanisches Teehaus {n}
Japanese willow [Salix japonica]Japanische Weide {f}
curr. Japanese yen <JPY, ¥>Yen {m} <JPY, ¥>
3 Words: Nouns
anti-Japanese movementjapanfeindliche Bewegung {f}
anti-Japanese sentimentjapanfeindliche Einstellung {f}
hist. mil. Imperial Japanese Army <IJA>Kaiserliche Japanische Armee {f}
hist. mil. Imperial Japanese Navy <IJN>Kaiserliche Japanische Marine {f}
engin. tech. Japanese Industrial Standards <JIS>[Standards, die in Japan bei industriellen Aktivitäten eingesetzt werden]
med. Japanese lung fluke [Paragonimus westermani]Lungenwurm {m}
Japanese tea ceremonyjapanische Teezeremonie {f}
Japanese tissue paperJapanseidenpapier {n}
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