Dictionary English German: Investition

Translation 1 - 35 of 35

NOUN   die Investition | die Investitionen
SYNO   Geldanlage | Investition ... 
Investition {f}
capital expenditureInvestition {f}
2 Words: Nouns
rundown investmentabgelaufene Investition {f}
direct investmentdirekte Investition {f}
individual investmenteinzelne Investition {f}
joint investmentgemeinsame Investition {f}
comm. investment madegetätigte Investition {f}
major investmentgrößere Investition {f}
actual investmentIst-Investition {f}
comm. fin. long-term investmentlangfristige Investition {f}
worthwhile investmentlohnende Investition {f}
investment of spatial relevanceraumwirksame Investition {f}
accountable investmentrechenschaftspflichtige Investition {f}
fin. safe investmentsichere Investition {f}
social investmentsoziale Investition {f}
fin. original investmentursprüngliche Investition {f}
additional investmentzusätzliche Investition {f}
3 Words: Nouns
incentive to investAnreiz {m} zur Investition
comm. spur to investmentAnreiz {m} zur Investition
effects of investmentAuswirkungen {pl} der Investition
amount investedHöhe {f} der Investition
amount of investmentHöhe {f} der Investition
stocks equity markets investmentInvestition {f} in Aktien
fin. multi-billion euro investmentmilliardenschwere Euro-Investition {f}
drop in investmentRückgang {m} der Investition
4 Words: Verbs
fin. to withdraw an investmenteine Investition rückgängig machen
to shrink from the investmentvor der Investition zurückschrecken
4 Words: Nouns
terms of investmentBedingungen {pl} für eine Investition
expected return on investmenterwarteter Ertrag {m} einer Investition
fin. inward investmentInvestition {f} aus dem Ausland
fin. early stage financeInvestition {f} in der Frühphase
fin. early stage investmentInvestition {f} in der Frühphase [einer Firma, eines Produkts]
fin. growth financeInvestition {f} in der Wachstumsphase
5+ Words: Nouns
econ. seed financeInvestition {f} in der Saat-Phase
investment of time and moneyInvestition {f} von Zeit und Geld
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