Dictionary English German: Indian

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ADJ   Indian | more Indian | most Indian
NOUN   an Indian | Indians
NOUN   der Indian | die Indiane
Indian {adj}
ethn. Indian
Inder {m}
ethn. Indian [female]
Inderin {f}
ethn. Indian [Central or South American]Indio {m}
ethn. Indian [female Central or South American native]Indiofrau {f}
gastr. turkey [cock]Indian {m} [österr.] [Truthahn]
2 Words: Others
(American) Indian {adj}indianisch
hist. ancient Indian {adj}altindisch
Anglo-Indian {adj}angloindisch <angloind.>
Anglo-Indian {adj}anglo-indisch
East Indian {adj}ostindisch
Indian yellow {adj}indischgelb
Indian-based {adj} [company, family, person etc.]in Indien ansässig [Firma, Familie, Person etc.]
Indian-based {adj} [person]in Indien lebend
Indian-born {adj}in Indien geboren
non-Indian {adj}nichtindisch
geogr. north Indian {adj}nordindisch
ethn. pan-Indian {adj}panindianisch
West Indian {adj}karibisch
West Indian {adj}westindisch
West Indian {adj}von den Karibischen Inseln [nachgestellt]
2 Words: Nouns
(American) IndianIndianer {m}
ethn. (American) Indian [female]Indianerin {f}
(Indian) lodge [Am.]Indianerzelt {n} [Tipi, Wigwam]
Anglo-IndianAnglo-Inder {m}
Indian American [from India]indischstämmiger Amerikaner {m} [aus Indien]
mus. Indian bellsElefantenglocken {pl}
mycol. Indian bread [Poria cocos]Indisches Brot {n}
Indian burn [coll.] [esp. Am.] [twisting the skin of sb.'s forearm in opposite directions]Brennessel {f} [bes. südd.] [alt] [gegenläufiges Verdrehen der Haut am Unterarm]
Indian campIndianerlager {n}
Indian cemeteryIndianerfriedhof {m}
Indian chiefIndianerhäuptling {m}
sports Indian clubGymnastikkeule {f}
sports Indian clubTurnkeule {f}
sports Indian club(indische) Keule {f}
agr. gastr. Indian corn [Am.] [Aus.] [NZ] [Zea mays (subsp. indurata)]Indischer Mais {m}
gastr. Indian cuisineindische Küche {f}
ling. Indian Englishindisches Englisch {n}
Indian giver [Am.] [coll.] [pej.][jd., der etwas Geschenktes zurückfordert]
Indian giver [Am.] [coll.] [pej.][jd., der etwas Geschenktes zurücknimmt]
Indian giver [Am.] [coll.] [pej.][jd., der seine Geschenke zurückverlangt]
cloth. Indian headdress [American, esp. Plains Indians]Indianerkopfputz {m}
drugs Indian hop [coll.] [dated]Gras {n} [ugs.] [Marihuana]
art Indian inkZeichentusche {f} [schwarze Tinte]
Indian ink [Br.]Tusch {m} [österr.] [ugs.] [Tusche]
Indian lodge [as a general term for Indian dwellings]Indianerhütte {f}
math. Indian mathematicsindische Mathematik {f}
gastr. Indian mealMaismehl {n}
geogr. Indian OceanIndik {m} [selten] [Indischer Ozean]
geogr. Indian OceanIndischer Ozean {m}
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