Dictionary English German: Im

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NOUN   Im | Ims
at (the) {prep}im
in {prep} [in cases where an article is used in German but not English, e.g. "im November"]im [Präp. + Art.: in dem]
in the {prep}im [Präp. + Art.: in dem]
in (the) {prep}im <i.>
Internet to IM [derived from Instant Messenger]
hist. relig. Amora'imAmoräer {pl}
MedTech. imaging modality <IM>Bildgebungsmodalität {f}
hist. Im-hotepImhotep {m}
econ. educ. industrial management <IM>Industriemanagement {n} <IM>
comp. econ. QM information model <IM>Informationsmodell {n}
econ. educ. infrastructural management <IM>Infrastrukturmanagement {n} <IM>
comp. infrastructure management <IM>Infrastrukturmanagement {n} <IM>
anat. internal malleolus <IM> [Malleolus medialis]Innenknöchel {m} <IK>
biol. inner membrane <IM>Innenmembran {f}
audio electr. telecom. intermodulation (distortion) <IMD>Intermodulation {f} <IM, IMD>
med. MedTech. intramedullary rod <IM rod>Marknagel {m}
Internet instant messaging <IM>Nachrichtensofortversand {m}
anat. internal / inner malleolus <IM> [Malleolus medialis]Schienbeinknöchel {m}
econ. insur. insurance management <IM>Versicherungsmanagement {n} <VM>
2 Words: Others
math. squared {adj} [number](im) Quadrat
entered {adj} {past-p}aufgenommen im [Katalog]
recorded in [catalogue]aufgenommen im [Katalog]
ling. by ... word usage {adv} [e.g. by common word usage]im ... Sprachgebrauch [z. B. im gewöhnlichen Sprachgebrauch]
educ. at evening classes {adv}im Abendunterricht
brew gastr. oenol. in the finish {adv}im Abgang [Redewendung]
rail transp. at the dispatching station {adv}im Abgangsbahnhof
in the case of death {adv}im Ablebensfall
sports on the sidelines {adv}im Abseits
on an eight-year cycle {adv}im Achtjahresturnus
in the buff {adv} [coll.] [a male]im Adamskostüm [ugs.] [hum.]
in one's birthday suit {adv} [of a male] [hum.] [idiom]im Adamskostüm [ugs.] [hum.] [Redewendung]
among the aristocracy {adv}im Adel
during the Advent season {adv}im Advent
law on impulse {adv}im Affekt
law in the heat of passion {adv}im Affekt
law in the heat of passion {adj} [postpos.]im Affekt [nachgestellt]
without a break {adv}im Akkord [ohne Pause]
without a pause {adv}im Akkord [ugs. für: ohne Pause]
in the event of an alarm {adv}im Alarmfall
in space {adv}im All [im Weltraum]
single-handedly {adv}im Alleingang
single-handed {adj}im Alleingang [nachgestellt]
at large {adv} [in general]im Allgemeinen
generally speaking {adv}im Allgemeinen
in general {adv}im Allgemeinen
in the main {adv} [idiom]im Allgemeinen
as a general rule {adv}im Allgemeinen
on the whole {adv}im allgemeinen [alt]
commonly {adv}im Allgemeinen <i. Allg.>
generally {adv} <gen.>im Allgemeinen <i. Allg.>
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