Dictionary English German: Ich

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NOUN   an ICH | ICHs
NOUN   das Ich | die Ichs/Ich
SYNO   Ich | Selbst | meine Wenigkeit [ugs.]
I {pron}
me {pron} [Br.] [coll.] [I] [e.g. John and me went to the cinema]
Moi? [hum.]
Ich? [hum.]
psych. ego
Ich {n}
philos. self
Ich {n}
med. intracerebral hemorrhage [Am.] <ICH>Enzephalorrhagie {f}
med. pharm. International Conference on Harmonisation (of Technical Requirements for Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use) <ICH>ICH {f}
phonet. ich-laut [also: Ich-laut]Ichlaut {m} [auch: Ich-Laut]
2 Words: Others
TrVocab. May I ... ?Darf ich ... ?
Poor me! [said by a female]Ich Ärmste!
Poor me! [said by a male]Ich Ärmster!
You and me both!Ich auch!
Me too.Ich auch.
So am I.Ich auch.
So did I.Ich auch.
So do I.Ich auch.
So was I.Ich auch.
And so am I.Ich auch.
gastr. I'll have... [in a café, restaurant etc.]Ich bekomme... [beim Bestellen]
I'm [I am]ich bin
I am.Ich bin.
It's me.Ich bin's.
I would think ...Ich dächte ...
I guess [esp. Am.] [coll.]ich denke
Silly me! [coll.]Ich Dummerchen! [ugs.]
I form upich formiere
I'm cold.Ich friere.
I'm freezing.Ich friere.
I am going.Ich gehe.
I am stingy.Ich geize.
I believeich glaube
Lucky me! [said by a woman]Ich Glückliche!
Lucky me! [said by a man]Ich Glücklicher!
Lucky me!Ich Glückspilz! [ugs.]
My congratulations!Ich gratuliere!
I've [coll.] [I have]ich hab [ugs.] [ich habe]
Eureka!Ich hab's! [ugs.]
I've got it! [coll.]Ich hab's! [ugs.]
I'd [I had]ich hatte
The name is ... [coll.]Ich heiße ...
Coming!Ich komme!
jobs I quit!Ich kündige!
I myselfich meinerseits
I personallyich meinerseits
I would like sth.Ich möchte etw.Akk. [möchte gerne, wünsche mir]
I feel like (having) sth.Ich möchte etw. [höflich für: ich will, möchte gerne, wünsche mir]
Not I!Ich nicht!
Not me!Ich nicht!
idiom I'm off. [coll.] [I am leaving.]Ich pack's. [ugs.] [Ich gehe fort.]
as far as I'm concernedich persönlich
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