Dictionary English German: IA

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SYNO   Hawkeye State | IA | Iowa
geogr. Iowa <IA> [Hawkeye State]Iowa {n} [US-Bundesstaat]
2 Words
inter-American {adj} <IA> [also: Inter-American]interamerikanisch [auch: inter-amerikanisch]
med. ideatory apraxiaideatorische Apraxie {f} <IA>
math. induction basisInduktionsanfang {m} <IA>
math. induction hypothesisInduktionsannahme {f} <IA>
acad. archaeo. ind. industrial archaeology <IA>Industriearchäologie {f}
acad. archaeo. ind. industrial archeology [Am.] <IA>Industriearchäologie {f}
comp. jobs tech. information architect <IA>Informationsarchitekt {m} <IA>
comp. jobs tech. information architect <IA> [female]Informationsarchitektin {f} <IA>
comp. tech. information architecture <IA>Informationsarchitektur {f} <IA>
math. initial stepInduktionsanfang {m} <IA>
med. integrative agnosia <IA>integrative Agnosie {f}
comp. Intel® architecture <IA>Intelarchitektur {f} <IA> [Intel®]
interinstitutional agreement <IA>interinstitutionelle Vereinbarung {f}
internal affairs <IA>innere Angelegenheiten {pl}
econ. fin. QM internal audit <IA>interne Prüfung {f} [Revision]
econ. QM internal audit <IA>internes Audit {n} <IA>
econ. jobs internal auditor <IA>Revisor {m}
med. psych. stat. interrater agreement <IRA, IA>Urteilerübereinstimmung {f}
med. intestinal atresia <IA>intestinale Atresie {f}
med. intraarterial infusion <i.a. infusion, IA infusion> [also: intra-arterial infusion]intraarterielle Infusion {f} <i.a.-Infusion>
archaeo. hist. Iron Age <IA>Eisenzeit {f} <EZ>
psych. mental ageIntelligenzalter {n} <IA>
3 Words
med. psych. stat. inter-rater agreement <IRA, IA>Urteilerübereinstimmung {f}
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