Dictionary English German: Holt

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NOUN   a holt | holts
sb./sth. fetches
jd./etw. holt
zool. holt
Bau {m} [Tierbehausung]
for. holt [archaic] [wood, grove, copse]
Wäldchen {n}
for. holt [archaic] [wood, grove, copse]
Hain {m} [geh.]
holt [archaic] [wood, grove, copse]Gehölz {n}
2 Words
sb./sth. retrieves sth.jd./etw. holt etw. wieder
med. Holt-Oram syndrome <HOS>atriodigitale Dysplasie {f}
geogr. holt [archaic] [wooded hill]bewaldeter Hügel {m}
3 Words
He is gaining on us.Er holt auf.
med. Holt-Oram syndrome <HOS>Holt-Oram-Syndrom {n} <HOS>
4 Words
Get me outta here! [coll.]Holt mich hier raus!
5+ Words
Your past is catching up with you.Deine Vergangenheit holt dich ein.
idiom The devil takes the hindmost. [fig.]Den Letzten holt der Teufel. [fig.]
to know (exactly) what's whatwissen, wo der Barthel den Most holt [ugs.] [hum.] [Redewendung]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
RadioTV F I'm a Celebrity ... Get Me Out of Here! [UK reality television]Ich bin ein StarHolt mich hier raus! [Dschungelcamp-Realityshow]
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