Dictionary English German: Hoher

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ADJ  hoch | höher | am höchsten/[Grundform, nur adverbial] höchst ... 
high-priority {adj} [attr.]hoher Priorität [nachgestellt]
2 Words: Nouns
(high) profile(hoher) Bekanntheitsgrad {m}
pol. (high-ranking) party official(hoher) Parteikader {m}
cloth. high heelhoher Absatz {m}
sports pitch [golf]hoher Annäherungsschlag {m}
high ratiohoher Anteil {m}
geogr. High AtlasHoher Atlas {m}
pile of ordershoher Auftragsstand {m}
sports high ballhoher Ball {m}
tall treehoher Baum {m}
high officialhoher Beamter {m}
ben [Scot.]hoher Berg {m}
high mountainhoher Berg {m}
large sumhoher Betrag {m}
med. high blood pressurehoher Blutdruck {m}
relig. Holy ThursdayHoher Donnerstag {m}
med. high enemahoher Einlauf {m}
agr. heavy crop [high yield]hoher Ertrag {m}
fin. high returns {pl}hoher Ertrag {m}
high yieldhoher Ertrag {m}
relig. Assumption DayHoher Frauentag {m} [Tirol] [Mariä Himmelfahrt; 15. August]
relig. Good FridayHoher Freitag {m}
large sum of moneyhoher Geldbetrag {m}
High Court [Br.]Hoher Gerichtshof {m}
high profithoher Gewinn {m}
large profithoher Gewinn {m}
high degreehoher Grad {m}
large trade surplushoher Handelsüberschuss {m}
pol. high commissionerhoher Kommissar {m}
cloth. high collarhoher Kragen {m}
high pricehoher Kurs {m}
high efficiencyhoher Leistungsgrad {m}
geogr. far north / NorthHoher Norden {m}
mil. brass hat [coll.]hoher Offizier {m}
dearnesshoher Preis {m}
big pricehoher Preis {m}
heavy pricehoher Preis {m}
high pricehoher Preis {m}
stiff pricehoher Preis {m}
high profithoher Profit {m}
dignityhoher Rang {m}
high positionhoher Rang {m}
admin. senior administration official [Am.]hoher Regierungsbeamter {m}
high-placed government officialhoher Regierungsbeamter {m}
naut. heavy swellhoher Seegang {m}
naut. large swellhoher Seegang {m}
high standardhoher Standard {m}
cloth. jackboothoher Stiefel {m}
sharp tonehoher Ton {m}
audio high-pitched notehoher Ton {m}
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