Dictionary English German: Hero

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NOUN   a hero | heroes
SYNO   Hero | Hero of Alexandria | Heron ... 
Held {m}
film lit. theatre hero [principal character in a play, story, etc.]
Hauptfigur {f}
theatre hero [principal character in a play, story, etc.]
Protagonist {m}
drugs hero [sl.]
Heroin {n}
myth. hero
Heros {m}
heroHeroe {m} [geh.]
gastr. hero [Am.] [regional] [sandwich]belegtes Baguette {n}
archi. hist. heroon [a hero's tomb or shrine]Heroon {n} [Heroengrab oder -heiligtum]
2 Words: Nouns
engin. hist. (Hero's) aeolipileHeronsball {m}
film action heroActionheld {m}
film lit. theatre anti-heroAntiheld {m}
bold herounerschrockener Held {m}
brave herotapferer Held {m}
film cinematic heroFilmheld {m}
film cinematic heroLeinwandheld {m}
conquering heroSiegesheld {m}
myth. culture heroKulturbringer {m}
myth. relig. culture heroKulturheros {m}
film lit. theatre eponymous heroTitelheld {m}
favorite hero [Am.]Lieblingsheld {m}
favourite hero [Br.]Lieblingsheld {m}
folk heroVolksheld {m}
folk hero [female]Volksheldin {f}
myth. founding heroGründungsheros {m}
mus. guitar heroGitarrenheld {m}
lit. hero childrenHeldenkinder {pl}
Hero City [also: hero city]Heldenstadt {f}
myth. relig. hero cultHeroenkult {m}
myth. hero mythHeroenmythos {m}
hero pose [virasana]Heldenstellung {f} [im Joga]
hero taleHeldensage {f}
hero worshipHeldenverehrung {f}
myth. relig. hero worshipHeroenkult {m}
hero's deathHeldentod {m}
hero's graveHeroengrab {n}
hero's handHeldenhand {f}
hero's journeyHeldenfahrt {f}
hero's journeyHeldenreise {f}
film theatre hero's partHeldenrolle {f}
film theatre hero's roleHeldenrolle {f}
hero's sonHeldensohn {m}
hero's welcomeHeldenempfang {m}
pol. independence heroUnabhängigkeitsheld {m}
local heroLokalheld {m}
sports local heroLokalmatador {m}
film movie hero [esp. Am.]Filmheld {m}
lit. myth. mythological heroSagenheld {m}
national heroNationalheld {m}
national heroVolksheld {m} [Nationalheld]
national hero [heroine]Nationalheldin {f}
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