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 | just {adv} [simply] | 236 halt [eben, einfach] |  |
 | Stop! | 175 Halt! |  |
 | halt {adj} [archaic] | 110 lahm |  |
 | simply {adv} | 95 halt [eben, einfach] |  |
 | only {adv} [simply] | 62 halt [einfach, bloß] |  |
 | Steady on! | Halt! |  |
Verbs |
 | to halt | 838 stoppen |  |
 | to halt (sb./sth.) | 749 (jdn./etw.) anhalten [zum Stillstand kommen, bringen] |  |
 | to halt sth. [stop] | 350 etw. aufhalten [zum Halten bringen] |  |
 | to halt | 121 unterbrechen |  |
 | to halt sth. | 114 etw.Akk. unterbinden |  |
 | to halt | 86 einhalten [geh.] [aufhören] |  |
 | to halt | 72 halten [anhalten] |  |
 | to halt [break] | 50 innehalten [geh.] |  |
 | to halt [Am.: speak hesitatingly] | 42 stocken [stockend sprechen] |  |
 | mil. to halt | 29 haltmachen |  |
 | to halt [archaic] [limp, esp. horse] | 28 lahmen |  |
 | to halt [Am.: hesitate] | 28 zögern |  |
 | to halt [archaic] | 12 hinken |  |
 | to call to a halt | anhalten |  |
 | to bring to a halt | beenden |  |
 | to bring to a halt | lahmlegen |  |
Nouns |
 | foothold | 265 Halt {m} [fester Stand] |  |
 | footing | 222 Halt {m} [fester Stand] |  |
 | halt [break] | 143 Pause {f} |  |
 | purchase [grip, footing] | 121 Halt {m} [fester Stand, Griff] |  |
 | stop | 115 Halt {m} |  |
 | crutch | 103 Halt {m} [z. B. seelischer Halt] |  |
 | support [prop] [also fig.] | 87 Halt {m} [Stütze] [auch fig.] |  |
 | halt | 67 Halt {m} |  |
 | halt | 64 Stopp {m} |  |
 | psych. stability [mentally] | 30 Halt {m} [innerer Halt, Gleichgewicht] |  |
 | hold | 29 Halt {m} |  |
 | stay [stop] | 21 Halt {m} |  |
 | equest. halt | 19 Parade {f} |  |
 | halt [stopping place] | 13 Halteplatz {m} |  |
 | rail halt [Br.] [small station, usually unstaffed or with very few staff] | 13 Haltestelle {f} <Hst> [österr.] [schweiz.] |  |
 | constr. building halt | Baustopp {m} |  |
 | comp. halt condition | Haltbedingung {f} [auch: Haltebedingung] |  |
 | halt indicator | Halteanzeiger {m} |  |
 | halt point | Haltepunkt {m} |  |
 | rail halt [Br.] [small station, usually unstaffed or with very few staff] | Haltepunkt {m} <Hp> [Deutschland] |  |
 | halt signal | Haltesignal {n} |  |
 | halt [archaic] | Lahmen {n} |  |
 | mil. halt | Marschpause {f} |  |
 | ind. tech. drop head halt | Maschinenstop {m} |  |
 | halt [break, rest] | Rast {f} |  |
 | engin. highly accelerated life test <HALT> | Schnellalterungstest {m} [HALT-Test] |  |
 | halt in between | Zwischenstopp {m} |  |
2 Words: Others |
 | mil. Squad halt! | Abteilung halt! |  |