Dictionary English German: Haare

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NOUN   das Haar [einzelnes Haar] | die Haare
hair {sg}
Haare {pl} [Haarwuchs]
fur {sg} [shed by a pet]
Haare {pl} [von einem Haustier verloren]
2 Words: Verbs
to slick down (hair)(Haare) anklatschen
to rip out hairHaare ausreißen
to pre-dry hair [before styling]Haare entfeuchten [vortrocknen]
to cut hairHaare schneiden
to split hairs [idiom]Haare spalten [Redewendung]
zool. to shed [fur]Haare verlieren
to shed hairHaare verlieren
to shampoo (hair)Haare waschen
to pin sb.'s hair upjds. Haare hochstecken
2 Words: Nouns
hairs(einzelne) Haare {pl}
clipped hair {sg}abgeschnittene Haare {pl}
flaming red hair {sg}feuerrote Haare {pl}
dyed hair {sg}gefärbte Haare {pl}
wavy hair {sg}gewellte Haare {pl}
straight hair {sg}glatte Haare {pl}
grey hair {sg} [Br.]graue Haare {pl}
short hair {sg}kurze Haare {pl}
clipped hair {sg}kurzgeschnittene Haare {pl}
burr cut {sg} [coll.] [type of buzz cut]kurzgeschorene Haare {pl}
long hair {sg}lange Haare {pl}
curly hair {sg}lockige Haare {pl}
mousy hair {sg}mattbraune Haare {pl}
human hair {sg}menschliche Haare {pl}
bum-length hair {sg} [coll.]polange Haare {pl} [ugs.]
tush-length hair {sg} [Am.] [coll.]polange Haare {pl} [ugs.]
bricktop {sg} [coll.] [hum.] [reddish-brown hair]rotbraune Haare {pl}
bricktop {sg} [coll.] [hum.] [red hair]rote Haare {pl}
red hair {sg}rote Haare {pl}
med. uncombable hair [Pili trianguli et canaliculi]unkämmbare Haare {pl}
helmet hair {sg} [coll.] [messy hair from wearing a helmet]verstrubbelte Haare {pl} [durch Tragen eines Helms]
wavy hair {sg}wellige Haare {pl}
unmanageable hairswiderspenstige Haare {pl}
3 Words: Verbs
to pin one's hair updie Haare hochstecken
to go grey [Br.]graue Haare bekommen
to go gray [Am.] [also fig.]graue Haare bekommen [auch fig.]
to come off badlyHaare lassen müssen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to not escape unscathed [come off badly]Haare lassen müssen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to do sb.'s hairjdm. die Haare frisieren
to run one's fingers through sb.'s hairjdm. die Haare kraulen
to do sb.'s hairjdm. die Haare machen [ugs.]
to cut sb.'s hairjdm. die Haare schneiden
to muss up sb.'s hair [coll.] [esp. Am.]jdm. die Haare verstrubbeln [ugs.]
to tie sb.'s hair backjdm. die Haare zurückbinden
to tie sb.'s hair backjds. Haar / Haare zurückbinden
to have a buzz cutraspelkurze Haare tragen [ugs.]
cosmet. to tint one's hairseine Haare tönen
4 Words: Others
bald {adj}ohne Haare am Kopf [nachgestellt]
4 Words: Verbs
to tie the / one's hair back(sichDat.) die Haare zurückbinden
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