Dictionary English German: Haar Ulme

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NOUN   die Haar-Ulme | die Haar-Ulmen
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math. Haar measureHaar'sches Maß {n}
geogr. Haar [mountain range in Westphalia]Haar {f} [Höhenzug in Westfalen]
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Ulme {f}
constr. furn. elm [elmwood]Ulme {f} [Holz]
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anat. hairHaar {n}
hair {adj} [attr.]Haar-
meteo. haar [Br.]Seenebel {m}
textil. pileweiches Haar {n}
to clip hairHaar stutzen
to shed hairHaar verlieren
to singe hairHaar versengen
to wave hairHaar wellen
cosmet. lightened hairaufgehelltes Haar {n}
blond hairblondes Haar {n}
fair hairblondes Haar {n}
bristly hairborstiges Haar {n}
bushy hairbuschiges Haar {n}
thick hairdickes Haar {n}
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