Dictionary English German: HT

Translation 1 - 16 of 16


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height <h, ht>
Höhe {f} <H>
geogr. Haiti <.ht>
Haiti {n}
med. hypotension <HT>Hypotension {f}
2 Words
chem. material high-tenacity {adj} [attr.] <HT> [e.g. carbon fiber]hochfest [z. B. Carbonfaser]
telecom. handheld transceiver <HT>Handfunkgerät {n} <HFuG>
telecom. handheld transceiver <HT>Handfunksprechgerät {n} <HFuG>
comp. hash map <HM>Hashtabelle {f} <HT>
comp. hash table <HT>Hashtabelle {f} <HT>
comp. hash table <HT>Streuwerttabelle {f}
med. heart soundsHerztöne {pl} <HT>
med. MedTech. helical tomotherapy <HT>helikale Tomotherapie {f} <HT>
ling. human translation <HT>Humanübersetzung <HÜ> {f}
meteo. humid temperature <HT>Feuchttemperatur {f} <FT>
med. sports hypoxic training <HT>Hypoxietraining {n}
med. pituitary tumor [Am.] <PT>Hypophysentumor {m} <HT>
med. pituitary tumour [Br.] <PT>Hypophysentumor {m} <HT>
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