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 | good {adj} | 32767 gut |  |
 | fine {adj} [acceptable, satisfactory] | 1545 gut [in Ordnung] |  |
 | well {adv} | 1133 gut |  |
 | gut {adj} [attr.] [e.g. decision, instinct] | 580 Bauch- [z. B. Entscheidung, Gefühl] |  |
 | about {adv} | 417 gut [ugs.] [ungefähr] |  |
 | gut {adj} [attr.] [e.g. flora, bacteria, string] | 294 Darm- [z. B. Flora, Bakterien, Saite] |  |
 | bitching {adj} [sl.] [really good] | 68 gut |  |
 | educ. good {adj} | 42 gut [Zensur 2] |  |
 | educ. B [grade] [Am.] [Aus.] | 40 gut [Schulnote] |  |
 | easily {adv} | 26 gut [mühelos] |  |
 | plausible {adj} [liar] | 25 gut |  |
 | sweet {adj} [coll.] | 22 gut |  |
 | OK! | 21 Gut! |  |
 | thoroughly {adv} | 18 gut [gründlich] |  |
 | reet {adj} [sl.] [right] [Am.] [regional Br. dialect] | 12 gut |  |
 | okay | 9 gut |  |
 | best {adj} [suit, room, etc.] | 6 gut [besonderen Anlässen vorbehalten] |  |
 | med. gut-associated {adj} | darmassoziiert |  |
 | all right {adj} {adv} | gut |  |
 | in order {adj} <IO> | gut |  |
 | educ. cum laude [Am.] | gut [2,0] |  |
 | more than | gut [ugs.] [ein Jahr, die Hälfte] |  |
 | well over ... | gut ... |  |
 | O.K. | Gut! |  |
 | gut-wrenching {adj} | herzzerreißend |  |
 | sb. busts a gut [coll.] | jd. hastet |  |
 | gut-wrenching {adj} | qualvoll |  |
Verbs |
 | to gut sth. | 966 etw.Akk. ausweiden [Tier] |  |
 | gastr. to gut sth. [to remove the inner organs of an animal] | 477 etw.Akk. ausnehmen [ein geschlachtetes od. erlegtes Tier] |  |
 | constr. to gut sth. [building] | 382 etw.Akk. entkernen [Gebäude] |  |
 | to gut sth. [inside of a building by accidental fire] | 342 etw. ausbrennen [Gebäude im Innern durch Feuer] |  |
Nouns |
 | anat. gut [intestine] | 3816 Darm {m} |  |
 | anat. gut [coll.] [belly] | 985 Bauch {m} |  |
 | good | 334 Gut {n} |  |
 | comm. transp. item | 200 Gut {n} [Ware, Frachtgut] |  |
 | comm. commodity [good, product] | 165 Gut {n} [Ware] |  |
 | naut. gut [strait] | 109 Meerenge {f} |  |
 | manor | 82 Gut {n} [Landgut] |  |
 | RealEst. estate | 76 Gut {n} [Landgut] |  |
 | possession | 70 Gut {n} [Besitz] |  |
 | naut. gear | 52 Gut {n} |  |
 | naut. rigging | 33 Gut {n} |  |
 | property | 33 Gut {n} [Besitz] |  |
 | gut [coll.] [belly, paunch] | 32 Plauze {f} [ugs.] [regional] [(dicker) Bauch] |  |
 | comm. goods {pl} | 27 Gut {n} |  |
 | gut decision | Bauchentscheidung {f} |  |
 | gut feeling | Bauchgefühl {n} |  |
 | gut instinct | Bauchgefühl {n} |  |
 | gut instincts | Bauchgefühl {n} |  |
 | psych. gut brain [coll.] | Bauchhirn {n} [ugs.] |  |