| English | German | |
– | |
| bedrock {adj} [attr.] [e.g. issue, principle] | 666 Grund- [fundamental, z. B. Grundprinzip] | |
| basic {adj} | 483 Grund- | |
| staple {adj} [attr.] [basic] | 236 Grund- [z. B. Nahrungsmittel] | |
| base {adj} | 56 Grund- | |
| cardinal {adj} [attr.] [e.g. rule, virtue, sin] | 17 Grund- [Haupt-] | |
| fundamental {adj} | 6 Grund- | |
| basal {adj} | Grund- | |
Nouns |
| reason [cause, motive] | 3367 Grund {m} [Ursache, Veranlassung, Ausrede, Beweggrund] | |
| cause | 1436 Grund {m} | |
| matter [reason] | 848 Grund {m} | |
| occasion | 264 Grund {m} [Anlass] | |
| bottom | 181 Grund {m} [v. Gefäß, Becken, Tal, etc.] | |
| RealEst. plot [building plot etc.] | 111 Grund {m} [Grundstück] | |
| ground | 105 Grund {m} [Erdboden, Erdreich etc.] | |
| basis | 38 Grund {m} | |
| soil | 33 Grund {m} [veraltet] [Erdreich] | |
| score [reason] | 26 Grund {m} | |
| grounds {pl} [reason] | 25 Grund {m} [Beweggrund] | |
| depths {pl} [of a person, one's heart] | 23 Grund {m} [geh.] [Innerste] | |
| base | 21 Grund {m} [- lage, - fläche, - bestandteil] | |
| land [property] | 11 Grund {m} [und Boden] | |
| background [e.g. blue background] | 9 Grund {m} [z. B. blauer Grund] | |
| agent [cause] | 6 Grund {m} [für etw.] | |
| argument [statement or fact in support of sth.] | 5 Grund {m} | |
| foundations {pl} | Grund {m} [geh.] [Fundament] | |
| geogr. sea bed | Grund {m} [Meeresgrund] | |
2 Words: Others |
| naut. aground {adv} | auf Grund | |
| based on {prep} | auf Grund [+Gen.] | |
| due to {prep} | auf Grund [+Gen.] | |
| owing to {prep} | auf Grund [+Gen.] | |
| in virtue of {prep} | auf Grund [+Gen.] | |
| on the basis of {prep} | auf Grund [+Gen.] | |
| on the strength of {prep} | auf Grund [+Gen.] | |
| on sth. {adv} [based on, on the strength] | auf Grund etw.Gen. | |
| with reason {adv} | mit Grund | |
| without cause {adv} | ohne Grund | |
| for no reason {adv} | ohne Grund | |
| unprovoked {adj} | ohne Grund [nachgestellt] | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| RealEst. to acquire land | Grund erwerben | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| deciding reason | ausschlaggebender Grund {m} | |
| underlying reason [underlying cause] | eigentlicher Grund {m} | |
| simple reason | einfacher Grund {m} | |
| sole reason | einziger Grund {m} | |
| pious foundation | frommer Grund {m} | |
| reason for | Grund {m} für | |
| reason why | Grund {m} weshalb | |
| valid reason | gültiger Grund {m} | |
| sufficient reason | hinreichender Grund {m} | |
| perspicuous reason | klarer Grund {m} | |
| obvious reason | offensichtlicher Grund {m} | |