Dictionary English German: Graue

Translation 1 - 50 of 215  >>

ADJ  grau | grauer | am grauesten/grausten ... 
biotech. ecol. gray biotechnology [Am.]graue Biotechnologie {f}
relig. Gray Friars [Am.] [Franciscan monks]Graue Brüder {pl}
relig. Grey Friars [Br.] [Franciscan monks]Graue Brüder {pl}
éminence grisegraue Eminenz {f}
grey cardinal [éminence grise]graue Eminenz {f}
grey eminence [Br.]graue Eminenz {f}
ecol. embodied energygraue Energie {f} [kumulierter Energieaufwand]
grey hair {sg} [Br.]graue Haare {pl}
comp. print shading in gray [Am.]graue Hinterlegung {f}
comp. print shading in grey [Br.]graue Hinterlegung {f}
grey list [Br.]graue Liste {f}
libr. publ. gray literature [Am.]graue Literatur {f}
libr. publ. grey literature [Br.]graue Literatur {f}
libr. publ. non-conventional literature <NCL>graue Literatur {f}
greying temples [Br.]graue Schläfen {pl}
anat. gray matter [Am.] [Substantia grisea]graue Substanz {f}
anat. grey matter [Br.] [Substantia grisea]graue Substanz {f}
mere theorygraue Theorie {f} [Redewendung]
hist. mil. ["Gray wolves"-- nickname of the WW II German submarines]Graue Wölfe {pl} [Deutschland, 2. WK, Spitzname für die U-Boote der Kriegsmarine]
gray matter {sg} [Am.]graue Zellen {pl} [ugs.]
grey matter {sg} [Br.]graue Zellen {pl} [ugs.]
3 Words: Verbs
to go grey [Br.]graue Haare bekommen
to go gray [Am.] [also fig.]graue Haare bekommen [auch fig.]
3 Words: Nouns
the drab monotony of everyday lifeder graue Alltag {m} [ugs.]
med. cataract surgery [operation]Graue-Star-Operation {f}
5+ Words: Others
publ. Edition: Books, pamphlets, fasc.Ausgabe: Bücher, graue Literatur, Liefer.
She's a plain Jane. [coll.]Sie ist eine graue Maus.
5+ Words: Verbs
to lose sleep over sth. [coll.] [idiom]sichDat. wegen etw. [Gen., auch Dat.] graue Haare wachsen lassen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F The Grey King [Susan Cooper]Der Graue König
lit. F Small Vices [Robert B. Parker]Der graue Mann
lit. F Gray Matter [Stephen King]Graue Masse
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
zool. T
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