Dictionary English German: Goldenes

Translation 1 - 62 of 62

visitors' bookGoldenes Buch {n} [einer Stadt]
TrVocab. Golden RoofGoldenes Dachl {n} [Sehenswürdigkeit]
gold plategoldenes Gerät {n}
golden hairgoldenes Haar {n}
heart of goldgoldenes Herz {n}
geogr. the Golden Horn [Bosphorus, Turkey]Goldenes Horn {n} [Bosporus, Türkei]
geogr. Golden Horn Bay [coll.] [Zolotoy Rog Bay, Vladivostok]Goldenes Horn {n} [Hafenbucht von Wladiwostok]
geogr. Zolotoy Rog BayGoldenes Horn {n} [Hafenbucht von Wladiwostok]
geogr. Zlatni Rat [coll.: Golden Cape or Golden Horn, Croatia]Goldenes Horn {n} [Kroatien]
golden jubileegoldenes Jubiläum {n}
bibl. golden calfgoldenes Kalb {n}
archi. Golden GateGoldenes Tor {n} [Konstantinopel]
sports golden goal [football / soccer]goldenes Tor {n} [seltener für: Golden Goal]
myth. Golden FleeceGoldenes Vlies {n}
myth. golden agegoldenes Zeitalter {n}
4 Words: Verbs
to have a heart of goldein goldenes Herz haben
5+ Words: Nouns
film Golden Calf (for Best Director) [at the Netherlands Film Festival, NFF]Goldenes Kalb {n} (für die beste Regie)
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F Out of the Past [Jacques Tourneur] [British title: Build My Gallows High]Goldenes Gift
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
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