Dictionary English German: Gewalt

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NOUN1   die Gewalt | die Gewalten
NOUN2   die Gewalt [Gewalttätigkeit] | -
SYNO   Beherrschung | Gewalt | Herrschaft ... 
Gewalt2 {f} [Gewalttätigkeit]
Gewalt {f} [Zwang; Heftigkeit, Wucht]
Gewalt {f}
law pol. authority
Gewalt {f}
Gewalt {f} [Macht, Herrschaft; elementare Kraft]
control [power]
Gewalt {f} [Kontrolle]
mil. command [authority]
Gewalt {f} [Befehlsgewalt]
2 Words: Others
sociol. criminogenic {adj}Gewalt erzeugend
at the mercy of sb. {adj}in jds. Gewalt
forcefully {adv}mit Gewalt
forcibly {adv}mit Gewalt
by force {adv}mit Gewalt
with a vengeance {adv} [idiom]mit Gewalt
non-violent {adj}ohne Gewalt
2 Words: Verbs
to adulterate sth. [fig.] [text, original version]etw.Dat. Gewalt antun [fig.]
to practice violence [Am.] [rare]Gewalt anwenden
to use forceGewalt anwenden
to use violenceGewalt anwenden
to resort to violenceGewalt anwenden
to prevent violenceGewalt vermeiden
to do violence to sb.jdm. Gewalt antun
to force oneself on sb. [sexually]jdm. Gewalt antun
to go to extremesjdm./etw. Gewalt antun
to commit acts of violencejdm./etw. Gewalt antun
to commit violence against / on sb./sth.jdm./etw. Gewalt antun
to use violence against / on sb./sth.jdm./etw. Gewalt antun
2 Words: Nouns
continuing violenceanhaltende Gewalt {f}
law pol. executive powerausführende Gewalt {f}
mindless violenceblinde Gewalt {f}
sheer forcebloße Gewalt {f}
brute forcebrachiale Gewalt {f}
pol. judiciarydritte Gewalt {f} [Judikative]
psych. sociol. domestic violence [towards a spouse]eheliche Gewalt {f}
psych. sociol. marital violenceeheliche Gewalt {f}
law spousal abuse [esp. Am.]eheliche Gewalt {f}
law spousal violence [esp. Am.]eheliche Gewalt {f}
law parental powerelterliche Gewalt {f} [fachspr. veraltet]
parental authorityelterliche Gewalt {f} [veraltet] [elterliche Sorge]
journ. pol. Fifth EstateFünfte Gewalt {f}
sociol. gender-based violence <GBV>geschlechtsspezifische Gewalt {f}
law pol. legislativegesetzgebende Gewalt {f}
law pol. legislaturegesetzgebende Gewalt {f}
law pol. legislative powergesetzgebende Gewalt {f}
governance (of)Gewalt {f} (über)
law gratuitous forcegrundlose Gewalt {f}
law domestics [coll.] [domestic violence]häusliche Gewalt {f}
law domestic abusehäusliche Gewalt {f}
domestic violencehäusliche Gewalt {f}
law spousal abuse [esp. Am.]häusliche Gewalt {f}
insur. law force majeurehöhere Gewalt {f}
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