Dictionary English German: Gallé

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anat. biliary {adj}
anat. bile
Galle {f} [Flüssigkeit]
anat. bot. zool. gall
Galle {f}
hist. psych. choler [humour] [also fig.]
Galle {f} [Zorn, cholerisches Temperament]
anat. gall bladderGalle {f}
art Gallé glass [also: Galle glass]Galléglas {n}
2 Words
equest. VetMed. wind puff [also: windpuff](weiche) Galle {f} [Fesselgelenk]
med. acute gallbladder inflammationakute Galle {f}
med. C bileC-Galle {f}
hist. med. yellow bilegelbe Galle {f}
med. pleochromatic bilepleiochrome Galle {f}
hist. med. black bileschwarze Galle {f}
med. white bileweiße Galle {f}
3 Words
art Gallé cameo glass vaseKameenglasvase {f} von Gallé
4 Words
to vent one's rageGift und Galle speien [Redewendung]
to be in a rageGift und Galle speien [Redewendung]
to fly off the handle [Am.] [coll.] [idiom]Gift und Galle speien [Redewendung]
to be boiling mad [idiom]Gift und Galle spucken [Redewendung]
to breathe fire and brimstone [idiom]Gift und Galle spucken [Redewendung]
to fly off the handle [Am.] [coll.] [idiom]Gift und Galle spucken [Redewendung]
5+ Words
He is seething with rage. [idiom]Ihm läuft die Galle über. [Redewendung]
My blood was up. [idiom]Mir kam die Galle hoch. [Redewendung]
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