Dictionary English German: GUS

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SYNO   GUS | Gemeinschaft Unabhängiger Staaten
name Gus [diminutive for e.g., Augustine, Augustus, Angus or August][Verkleinerungsform von Augustin, August]
2 Words
pol. CIS countriesGUS-Staaten {pl}
med. genitourinary system <GUS>Urogenitalsystem {n} <UGS>
gloomy Gus [coll.] [also: Gloomy Gus, gloomy-gus]Sauertopf {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
gloomy Gus [coll.] [also: Gloomy Gus, gloomy-gus]Schwarzmaler {m} [ugs.] [Pessimist]
suspended solids <SS>Schwebestoffe {pl} <GUS>
4 Words
pol. Commonwealth of Independent States <CIS>Gemeinschaft {f} Unabhängiger Staaten <GUS>
Fiction (Literature and Film)
RadioTV F Garth and Gus [TaleSpin]Garth und Gus [Käpt'n Balu und seine tollkühne Crew]
film F Gus [Vincent McEveety]Gus
comics F Gus and Jaq [Disney]Karli und Jacki
comics F Gus Goose [Disney]Franz Gans
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