Dictionary English German: GC

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SYNO   GHz | Gc | gigacycle ... 
biochem. glucocorticoid <GC>
Glukokortikoid {n} <GC> [veraltet]
biochem. glucocorticoid <GC>
Glucocorticoid {n} <GC>
biochem. gallocatechin <GC> [C15H14O7]Gallocatechin {n}
unit gigacycle <Gc>Gigahertz {n} <GHz>
chem. glycocholate <GC>Glycocholat {n} <GC>
chem. glycocholate <GC>Glykocholat {n} <GC>
2 Words: Nouns
(Nintendo®) GameCube™ <GCN, GC, NGC>(Nintendo®) GameCube™ {m} <GCN, GC, NGC>
audio gain control <GC>Lautstärkeregelung {f}
astron. galactic center [Am.] <GC> [also: Galactic Center]Galaxienzentrum {n}
astron. galactic center [Am.] <GC> [also: Galactic Center]Milchstraßenzentrum {n} [Zentrum der Milchstraße]
astron. galactic centre [Br.] <GC> [also: Galactic Centre]Milchstraßenzentrum {n} [Zentrum der Milchstraße]
comp. garbage collection <GC> [fig.] [Am.]Freispeichersammlung {f}
chem. gas chromatography <GC>Gaschromatografie {f}
chem. gas chromatography <GC>Gaschromatographie {f}
med. gastric cancer <GC>Magenkarzinom {n}
med. gastric cancer <GC>Magenkrebs {m}
math. Gauss curvature <GC>gaußsche Krümmung {f}
math. Gauss curvature <GC>gaußsches Krümmungsmaß {n}
math. Gaussian curvature <GC>Gauß'sche Krümmung {f}
math. Gaussian curvature <GC>gaußsche Krümmung {f}
general contractor <GC>Generalunternehmer {m} <GU>
mil. general discharge [U.S. Armed Forces] <GC>Entlassung {f} (unter ehrenhaften Bedingungen)
mil. George Cross <GC>Georgs-Kreuz {n} [höchste zivile Auszeichnung für Tapferkeit im Vereinigten Königreich]
biol. giant cell <GC>Riesenzelle {f} <RZ>
med. gigantiform cementoma <GC>gigantiformes Zementom {n}
med. glottis cancer <GC>Glottiskrebs {m}
econ. med. pharm. good compliance <GC>gute Compliance {f}
math. tech. graphing calculator <GC>grafikfähiger Taschenrechner {m} <GTR>
geol. gravity corer <GC>Schwerelot {n} <SL>
biochem. guanylyl cyclase <GC>Guanylatcyclase {f} <GC>
biochem. guanylyl cyclase <GC>Guanylylcyclase {f} <GC>
med. total cholesterol <TC>Gesamtcholesterin {n} <GC>
acad. med. vascular surgery <VS>Gefäßchirurgie {f} <GC>
3 Words: Nouns
dent. galvano-ceramic crown <GC>galvanokeramische Krone {f}
biol. guanine-cytosine content <GC-content>Guanin-Cytosin-Gehalt {m} <GC-Gehalt>
4 Words: Nouns
meteo. ground-to-cloud lightning <GC lightning>Erde-Wolke-Blitz {m}
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