Dictionary English German: Felsen Ulme

Translation 1 - 50 of 163  >>

NOUN   die Felsen-Ulme | die Felsen-Ulmen
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Partial Matches
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Ulme {f}
constr. furn. elm [elmwood]Ulme {f} [Holz]
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rockFelsen {m}
rocksFelsen {pl}
naut. to steer clear of rocksFelsen umschiffen
enormous rocksgewaltige Felsen {pl}
rockletkleiner Felsen {m}
ragged rocksschartige Felsen {pl}
pendent rocksüberhängende Felsen {pl}
overhanging rocküberhängender Felsen {m}
weathered rocksverwitterte Felsen {pl}
crumbling rockszerfallende Felsen {pl}
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zool. T
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