Dictionary English German: Feld Löwenmaul

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SEE ALSO  feldlöwenmaul
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Partial Matches
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comp. arrayFeld {n}
fieldFeld {n}
weapons landFeld {n}
padFeld {n}
planeFeld {n}
scopeFeld {n}
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field {adj} [attr.]Feld-
areaFeld {n} [Bereich]
mil. afield {adv}im Feld
afield {adv}ins Feld
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boxFeld {n} [beim Roulette]
games square [chess]Feld {n} [Schach]
agr. harvested fieldabgeerntetes Feld {n}
adjacent cellangrenzendes Feld {n}
med. irradiated fieldbestrahltes Feld {n}
med. binocular fieldbinokulares Feld {n}
blooming fieldblühendes Feld {n}
electr. phys. electric fieldelektrisches Feld {n}
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