Dictionary English German: Fe

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NOUN   Fe | Fes
SYNO   Fe | atomic number 26 | iron
SYNO   Eisen | Fe [Symbol] | Ferrum
chem. material mineral. iron <Fe>
Eisen {n} <Fe>
med. fibroelastosis <FE>Fibroelastose {f} <FE>
med. fibroelastosis <FE>Fibroelastosis {f} <FE>
2 Words: Nouns
mineral. adranosite-(Fe) [(NH4)4NaFe2(SO4)4Cl(OH)2]Adranosit-(Fe) {m}
mineral. axinite-(Fe) [Ca2FeAl2BO3Si4O12(OH)]Axinit-(Fe) {m}
mineral. barahonaite-(Fe) [(Ca,Cu,Na,Fe,Al )12Fe2(AsO4)8(OH,Cl)x]Barahonait-(Fe) {m}
mineral. columbite-(Fe) [FeNb2O6]Columbit-(Fe) {m}
educ. facilities engineering <FE>Gebäudetechnik {f} <GT>
first edition <FE, F/E, 1E, 1/e>Erstausgabe {f} <EA>
MedTech. tech. flow encoding <FE>Flusskodierung {f}
FoodInd. food economics <FE>Lebensmittelwirtschaft {f} <LW, LMW>
educ. FoodInd. food engineering <FE>Lebensmitteltechnik {f} <LT, LMT> [auch Studiengangsbezeichnung]
forecast error <FE>Prognosefehler {m}
spec. formative evaluation <FE>formative Evaluation {f} <FE>
electr. functional earth <FE> [esp. Br.]Funktionserde {f} <FE>
electr. functional ground <FE> [Am.]Funktionserde {f} <FE>
mineral. hibonite-(Fe) [(Fe,Mg)Al12O19]Hibonit-(Fe) {m}
mineral. labuntsovite-Fe [K2Na2(Ba,K)0-1(Fe,Mg)Ti4 [(O,OH)2|Si4O12]2·5-6H2O]Labuntsovit-Fe {m}
mineral. neskevaaraite-Fe [K3Na2Fe(Ti,Nb)4 [(O,OH)2|Si4O12]2·5-6H2O]Neskevaarait-Fe {m}
mineral. parakuzmenkoite-Fe [(K,Ba)2(Fe,Mn)(Ti,Nb)4 [(O,OH)2|Si4O12]2·5-7H2O]Parakuzmenkoit-Fe {m}
mineral. pyrosmalite-(Fe) [(Fe,Mn)8Si6O15(Cl,OH)10]Pyrosmalith-(Fe) {m}
mineral. tantalite-(Fe) [FeTa2O6]Tantalit-(Fe) {m}
mineral. tapiolite-(Fe) [(Fe,Mn)(Ta,Nb)2O6]Tapiolit-(Fe) {m}
3 Words: Nouns
hist. relig. auto-da-féAutodafé {n}
hist. relig. auto-da-féGlaubensgericht {n}
hist. relig. auto-da-féKetzerverbrennung {f}
phys. acad. FE shell model [finite element shell model]FE-Schalenmodell {n}
electr. functional earth connection [esp. Br.] <FE, FE connection>Funktionserdeanschluss {m} <FE, FE-Anschluss>
electr. functional ground connection [Am.] <FE, FE-connection>Funktionserdeanschluss {m} <FE, FE-Anschluss>
educ. further education college [Br.] <FE college>Volkshochschule {f}
biochem. iron-sulfur center <Fe-S center>Eisen-Schwefel-Zentrum {n} <Fe-S-Zentrum>
econ. research and development <R&D>Forschung und Entwicklung <F+E, FuE, F&E, FE, R&D>
5+ Words: Nouns
optics phys. field emission scanning electron microscope <FESEM>Feldemissionsrasterelektronenmikroskop {n} <FE-REM>
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F Auto-da-FéDie Blendung [Elias Canetti]
film F Santa Fe [Irving Pichel]Unsichtbare Gegner
film F Santa Fe Trail [Michael Curtiz]Land der Gottlosen
RadioTV F The Rifleman [TV series]Westlich von Santa
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
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