Dictionary English German: Father

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English German
NOUN1   Father | -
NOUN2   a father | fathers
VERB  to father | fathered | fathered ... 
SYNO   Church Father | Father ... 
father {adj} [attr.] [e.g. figure, fixation, substitute]
Vater- [z. B. Figur, Fixierung, Ersatz]
sb.'s father's {adj} [house, business]väterlich [Haus, Geschäft]
biol. to father
to father sth. [fig.] [be the source or originator of sth.]Urheber etw.Gen. sein
to father sth. [fig.] [be the source or originator of sth.]Urheber von etw.Dat. sein
to father sth. [fig.] [create, found]etw.Akk. ins Leben rufen [Redewendung] [Projekt, Firma etc.: gründen oder neu schaffen]
Vater {m}
relig. Father [Catholic priest]
Pfarrer {m}
father [fig.]
Begründer {m}
Father <Fr.>
Pater {m}
law agnate [mostly obs.] [male relative on the father's side]
Agnat {m} [männlicher Blutsverwandter der männlichen Linie]
fatherÄtti {m} [südwestd. u. schweiz. mdal.: Vater]
father [of a family]Familienvater {m}
2 Words: Verbs
to father sth. on sb. [obs.] [place responsibility on]jdn. für etw.Akk. verantwortlich machen
2 Words: Nouns
relig. (Father) Superior [of a monastery]Vorsteher {m}
adoptive fatherAdoptivvater {m}
alleged fatherangeblicher Vater {m}
relig. Almighty Fatherallmächtiger Vater {m}
bad fatherRabenvater {m} [pej.]
bad fatherschlechter Vater {m}
biol. law biological fatherErzeuger {m} [bes. amtssprachl.] [leiblicher Vater]
biological fatherbiologischer Vater {m}
biological fatherleiblicher Vater {m}
birth fatherleiblicher Vater {m}
birth fathernatürlicher Vater {m}
bride's fatherBrautvater {m}
spec. child's fatherKindesvater {m}
child's fatherKindsvater {m}
relig. church fatherKirchenvater {m}
city fatherStadtvater {m}
hist. pol. conscript fatherrömischer Senator {m}
cruel fatherRabenvater {m} [pej.]
biol. law cuckolded father [the child is the product of the mother's adulterous relationship]gehörnter Vater {m}
dear father [as term of endearment]Väterchen {n} [Koseform für einen alten Mann]
deceased fatherverstorbener Vater {m}
hist. relig. desert father [also: Desert Father]Wüstenvater {m}
father absenceVaterabwesenheit {f}
father bear [esp. animal figure]Bärenvater {m} [bes. Tierfigur]
Father Christmas [Br.]Christkind {n} [das Geschenke bringt]
Father Christmas [Br.]Christkindchen {n} [das Geschenke bringt] [südd.] [österr.]
Father Christmas [Br.]Weihnachtsmann {m}
relig. father confessorBeichtiger {m} [veraltet] [Beichtvater]
relig. father confessorBeichtvater {m}
pol. father figureÜbervater {m}
psych. father figureVaterfigur {f}
hist. father figure ["father of his country"]Landesvater {m}
psych. father fixationVaterfixierung {f}
Father FrostVäterchen {n} Frost
father imageVaterbild {n}
father substituteVaterersatz {m}
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