Dictionary English German: Europe

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English German
NOUN   Europe | -
SYNO   Common Market | EC | EEC | EU ... 
geogr. Europe
Europa {n}
geogr. Europe [from a British viewpoint] [coll.]europäisches Festland {n}
2 Words: Others
all Europe {adv}ganz Europa
Europe-wide {adj}europaweit
of Europe {adj} [postpos.]europäisch
outside Europe {adj} [postpos.]außereuropäisch
throughout Europe {adv}europaweit
throughout Europe {adv}in ganz Europa
within Europe {adj} {adv}innereuropäisch
2 Words: Nouns
geogr. hist. ancient EuropeAlteuropa {n}
geogr. Central EuropeMitteleuropa {n}
geogr. Central EuropeZentraleuropa {n}
EU Certified Europe <CE> [interpretation of the European Community conformity marking "CE" (Communauté Européenne), not to be found in official sources][Deutung des EU-Konformitätszeichens "CE" (Communauté Européenne), in offiziellen Quellen nicht angegeben]
geogr. continental EuropeKontinentaleuropa {n}
geogr. continental Europeeuropäisches Festland {n}
EU geogr. pol. core EuropeKerneuropa {n}
geogr. East EuropeOsteuropa {n}
geogr. Eastern EuropeOsteuropa {n}
enlightened Europeaufgeklärtes Europa {n}
EU Europe agreementEuropa-Abkommen {n}
EU Europe DayEuropatag {m}
pol. Fortress EuropeFestung Europa {f}
geogr. mainland Europeeuropäisches Festland {n}
hist. medieval EuropeEuropa {n} des Mittelalters
hist. medieval EuropeEuropa {n} im Mittelalter
geogr. Middle EuropeMitteleuropa {n}
geogr. Nordic EuropeNordeuropa {n} [Skandinavien]
geogr. Northeast EuropeNordosteuropa {n}
geogr. northeastern Europe [also: Northeastern Europe]Nordosteuropa {n}
geogr. Northern EuropeNordeuropa {n}
geogr. Northwest Europe [Northwestern Europe]Nordwesteuropa {n}
geogr. Northwestern EuropeNordwesteuropa {n}
Old EuropeAltes Europa {n}
acad. hist. spec. Old Europe [also: old Europe] [pre-industrial Europe, before the Age of Enlightenment]Alteuropa {n} [vor der Aufklärung, vorindustriell]
hist. postwar EuropeNachkriegseuropa {n}
geogr. South EuropeSüdeuropa {n}
geogr. Southeast EuropeSüdosteuropa {n}
geogr. Southeastern EuropeSüdosteuropa {n}
geogr. Southern Europe [also: southern Europe]Südeuropa {n}
pol. united Europegeeintes Europa {n}
geogr. West EuropeWesteuropa {n}
geogr. Western EuropeWesteuropa {n}
3 Words: Others
all over Europe {adv}europaweit
all over Europe {adv}in ganz Europa
market. Europe offers more.Europa bietet mehr.
geogr. everywhere in Europe {adv}in ganz Europa
geogr. in Central Europe {adv} [also: in central Europe]im mitteleuropäischen Raum
in Eastern Europe {adv}in Osteuropa
hist. in medieval Europe {adv}im europäischen Mittelalter
hist. in medieval Europe {adv}im mittelalterlichen Europa
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