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| – |
| dining {adj} [attr.] [e.g. room, area, table] | 10 Ess- [z. B. Zimmer, Bereich, Tisch] | |
| eating {adj} [attr.] [e.g. disorder, behaviour, apple] | Ess- [z. B. Störung, Verhalten, Apfel] | |
Nouns |
| tech. electron-beam welding <EBW> | Elektronenstrahlschweißen {n} <ESS> | |
| ling. essive case <ESS> | Essiv {m} [Kasus in den finno-ugrischen Sprachen] | |
| ecol. ecosystem service <ESS> | Ökosystemleistung {f} | |
| ecol. ecosystem services <ESS> | Ökosystemleistungen {pl} | |
2 Words |
| tech. high-speed electroslag welding <HSESW, high-speed ESW> | Elektroschlacke-Schnellschweißen {n} <ESS> | |
| med. endometrial stromal sarcoma <ESS> | endometriales Stromasarkom {n} <ESS> | |
| med. binge eating (disorder) <BED> | Ess-Sucht {f} | |
3 Words |
| med. psych. bulimia nervosa | Ess-Brech-Sucht {f} | |
| biol. sociol. evolutionarily stable strategy <ESS> | evolutionär stabile Strategie {f} <ESS> | |
5+ Words |
| proverb He who has the gold makes the rules. | Wes Brot ich ess, des Lied ich sing. | |
| proverb He who pays the piper, calls the tune. | Wes Brot ich ess, des Lied ich sing. | |