Dictionary English German: EP

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NOUN   die EP | die EPs/EP
SYNO   EP | Extended Play | Mini-Album [ugs.]
relig. episcopal {adj}episkopal <ep., epis., episk.>
2 Words: Nouns
educ. educational planning <EP>Bildungsplanung {f} <BP>
chem. emulsion polymerisation <EP> [Br.]Emulsionpolymerisation {f} <EP>
chem. emulsion polymerisation <EP> [Br.]Emulsionspolymerisation {f} <EP>
chem. emulsion polymerization <EP>Emulsionpolymerisation {f} <EP>
chem. emulsion polymerization <EP>Emulsionspolymerisation {f} <EP>
audio med. endocochlear potential <EP>endocochleares Potential {n} <EP>
educ. phys. engineering physics [treated as sg.] <EP>Physikingenieurwesen {n} <PI>
ecol. educ. environmental protection <EP>Umweltschutz {m} <UWS>
chem. epoxy resin <ER>Epoxidharz {n} <EP>
comp. equivalence partitioning <EP>Äquivalenzklassenbildung {f}
econ. QM error proofing <EP>Fehlervermeidung {f} <FV> [fehlersichere Prozesse nach Poka Yoke]
med. erythropoietic porphyria <EP>erythropoetische Porphyrie {f} <EP>
comm. fin. estimated price <EP>Circapreis {m} <ca.-Preis> [auch: Circa-Preis]
comm. fin. estimated price <EP>Zirkapreis {m} [Rsv.] <ca.-Preis>
EU pol. European Parliament <EP>Europäisches Parlament {n} <EP>
med. evoked potential <EP>evoziertes Potential {n} <EP>
film executive producer <EP>ausführender Produzent {m}
experiential educationErlebnispädagogik {f} <EP>
acad. pharm. experimental pharmacology <EP>experimentelle Pharmakologie {f}
acad. phys. experimental physics [treated as sg.] <EP>Experimentalphysik {f} <EP>
mus. extended play <EP>Extended Play {f} <EP>
extraction procedure <EP>Extraktionsverfahren {n}
med. inflammation phase <IP>Entzündungsphase {f} <EP>
med. inflammatory phase <IP>Entzündungsphase {f} <EP>
VetMed. mycoplasmal pneumonia <EP in pigs>enzootische Pneumonie {f} der Schweine <EP der Schweine>
3 Words: Nouns
econ. educ. economics and politics <EP>Wirtschaft und Politik <WP>
law European patent application <EPA, EP application>europäische Patentanmeldung {f} <EPA, EP-Anmeldung>
mus. extended play record <EP>EP {f} [kurz für: Extended Playing Record, Extended Play Record]
mus. extended play record <EP>EP-Schallplatte {f} <EP>
med. phase of inflammationEntzündungsphase {f} <EP>
4 Words: Nouns
VetMed. enzootic pneumonia in pigs <EP in pigs>enzootische Pneumonie {f} der Schweine <EP der Schweine>
5+ Words: Nouns
mil. pol. Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia - People's Army <FARC-EP>Revolutionäre Streitkräfte {pl} Kolumbiens - Volksarmee <FARC-EP>
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