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 | geogr. Ecuador <.ec> | 26 Ekuador {n} [Rsv.] |  |
 | EU Eurocode <EC> | 5 Eurocode {m} <EC> |  |
 | geogr. Ecuador <.ec> | Ecuador {n} |  |
 | geogr. Ecuador <.ec> | Equador {n} [Rsv.] [selten] |  |
 | biol. enterochromaffin <EC> | Enterochromaffin {n} <EC> |  |
2 Words: Nouns |
 | comm. fin. ATM card [Am.] | EC-Karte {f} |  |
 | material creep modulus <Ec> | Kriechmodul {m} <Ec> [Materialkennwert] |  |
 | anat. ear canal <EC> [Meatus acusticus externus] [external auditory meatus] | (äußerer) Gehörgang {m} |  |
 | fin. ec card | EC-Karte {f} |  |
 | fin. ec card | ec-Karte {f} |  |
 | EC cashpoint [Cashpoint®] | ec-Geldautomat {m} |  |
 | EU EC Directives | EU-Richtlinien {pl} |  |
 | EU EC standard | EG-Norm {f} |  |
 | EU pol. EC Treaty | EG-Vertrag {m} |  |
 | engin. unit Eckert number <Ec> | Eckert-Zahl {f} <Ec> |  |
 | anat. elastic cartilage <EC, Cae> [Cartilago elastica] | elastischer Knorpel {m} |  |
 | phys. electron capture <EC> | Elektroneneinfang {m} <EC, ε, ϵ> |  |
 | electr. electronic conductor <EC> | Elektronenleiter {m} |  |
 | chem. elemental carbon <EC> | elementarer Kohlenstoff {m} |  |
 | med. embryonal carcinoma <EC> | embryonales Karzinom {n} <EC> |  |
 | med. emergency cerclage <EC> | Notfallcerclage {f} <NC> |  |
 | med. emergency contraception <EC> [official WHO term] | Nachverhütung {f} [Notfallverhütung] |  |
 | med. endometrial cancer <EC> | Endometriumkrebs {m} |  |
 | med. endometrial cancer <EC> | Gebärmutterschleimhautkrebs {m} |  |
 | med. endometrial cancer <EC> [carcinoma corporis uteri] | Endometriumkarzinom {n} <EK> |  |
 | med. endometrial cancer <EC> [carcinoma corporis uteri] | Gebärmutterkörperkrebs {m} |  |
 | med. endometrial cancer <EC> [carcinoma corporis uteri] | Korpuskarzinom {n} |  |
 | biol. endothelial cell <EC> | Endothelzelle {f} <EZ> |  |
 | biol. enterochromaffin cell <ECC, EC cell> | enterochromaffine Zelle {f} <EC-Zelle> |  |
 | biol. enterochromaffin cells <ECCs / EC cells> | enterochromaffine Zellen {pl} <EC-Zellen> |  |
 | med. enterocutaneous fistula <ECF, EC fistula> | enterokutane Fistel {f} |  |
 | med. epidermoid cyst <EC> | Epidermoidzyste {f} |  |
 | econ. med. sociol. error culture <EC> | Fehlerkultur {f} <FK> |  |
 | med. esophageal cancer <EC> [Am.] | Ösophaguscarcinom {n} [Rsv.] <Ösophagus-CA> |  |
 | sports European championship <EC> | Europameisterschaft {f} <EM> |  |
 | admin. EU European Commission <EC> | EU-Kommission {f} <EK, KOM> |  |
 | admin. EU European Commission <EC> | Europäische Kommission {f} <EK, KOM> |  |
 | hist. European Community <EC> | Europäische Gemeinschaft {f} <EG> |  |
 | med. QM evidence class <EC> | Evidenzklasse {f} <EK> |  |
 | chem. exclusion chromatography <EC> | Ausschlusschromatografie {f} <AC> |  |
 | chem. exclusion chromatography <EC> | Ausschlusschromatographie {f} <AC> |  |
 | insur. extended coverage | EC-Deckung {f} |  |
 | home ec [coll.] | Hauswirtschaft {f} |  |
3 Words: Nouns |
 | cluster of excellence <CoE> | Exzellenzcluster {m} <EC> |  |
 | archaeo. hist. Early Cycladic period <EC period> | frühkykladische Epoche {f} |  |
 | curr. East Caribbean dollar <XCD, EC$> | Ostkaribischer Dollar {m} <XCD, EC$> |  |
 | law EC Merger Regulation <ECMR> | EG-Fusionskontrollverordnung {f} <FKVO> |  |
 | EU EC type-approval | EG-Betriebserlaubnis {f} |  |
 | engin. unit elasto-capillary number <Ec> | Elasto-Kapillarzahl {f} <Ec> |  |
 | panel of participants <PoP, EC-PoP > | Arbeitsgruppe {f} <PoP, EC-PoP> |  |
4 Words: Nouns |
 | accession to the EC | Beitritt {m} zur Europäischen Gemeinschaft |  |
 | EC certificate of conformity | EG-Konformitätsaussage {f} |  |
 | econ. EU MedTech. EC design-examination certificate | EG-Auslegungsprüfbescheinigung {f} |  |
 | EU EC Eco-Audit Ordinance | EG-Öko-Audit-Verordnung {f} |  |
 | econ. EU tech. EC type-examination certificate | EG-Baumusterbescheinigung {f} |  |
 | EU QM EC type-examination certificate | EG-Baumusterprüfbescheinigung {f} |  |
5+ Words: Nouns |
 | econ. EU law acceleration directives 2003/54/EC and 2003/55/EC [gas] | Beschleunigungsrichtlinien {pl} 2003/54/EG und 2003/55/EG [Gas] |  |
 | law Regulation (EC) No. 40/94 on the Community trade mark | Verordnung {f} (EG) Nr. 40/94 über die Gemeinschaftsmarke |  |