Dictionary English German: EA

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NOUN   an ea | eas
each {adv} <ea.>
je [jeweils]
ea [Br.] [dial.] [same root!]Ache {f} [selbe Wurzel!]
ea [Br.] [drainage canal in the Fens]Abzugskanal {m} in den Fens
med. electroacupuncture <EA>Elektroakupunktur {f} <EA>
telecom. terminal [terminal equipment]Endamt {n} <EA> [veraltete Vermittlungstechnik]
2 Words: Nouns
publ. editio princeps [Latin: first printed edition of the work, that previously had existed only in manuscripts]Erstausgabe {f} <EA> [Editio princeps]
educ. education assistant [GB] <EA>Schulbegleiter {m}
educ. educational assistant <EA>Schulbegleiter {m}
effective altruism <EA> [philosophical and social movement]effektiver Altruismus {m} <EA>
QM stat. efficiency analysisEffizienzanalyse {f} <EA>
mil. electronics intelligence <ELINT>elektronische Aufklärung {f} <EA>
Emotions Anonymous <EA>Emotions Anonymous {pl} <EA>
ecol. QM environmental aspect <EA>Umweltaspekt {m} <UA>
med. episodic ataxia <EA>episodische Ataxie {f} <EA>
erotic asphyxiation <EA>Atemkontrolle {f} [Sexualpraktik]
med. esophageal atresia <EA> [Am.]Oesophagusatresie {f} <OA>
med. esophageal atresia <EA> [Am.]Ösophagusatresie {f} <ÖA>
med. esophageal atresia <EA> [Am.]Speiseröhrenatresie {f}
comp. evolutionary algorithm <EA>evolutionärer Algorithmus {m} <EA>
acad. comp. evolutionary computation {sg}Evolutionäre Algorithmen {pl} <EA>
executive committee <ExCo>Exekutivausschuss {m} <EA>
med. pharm. expanded access <EA> [FDA term]Compassionate Use {m} <CU>
med. pharm. expanded access <EA> [FDA term]individueller Heilversuch {m}
archaeo. experiment archaeology <EA>experimentelle Archäologie {f}
archaeo. experimental archaeology <EA>Experimentalarchäologie {f}
archaeo. experimental archaeology <EA>experimentelle Archäologie {f}
econ. fin. external audit <EA>externe Prüfung {f}
econ. QM external audit <EA>externes Audit {n} <EA>
first edition <FE, F/E, 1E, 1/e>Erstausgabe {f} <EA>
law mil. unauthorized absence <UA>eigenmächtige Abwesenheit {f} <EA>
3 Words: Nouns
med. eucapnic breathing method [eucapnic Buteyko breathing]EA-Methode {f} [Buteyko-Methode des eukapnischen Atmens]
comp. finite state machine <FSM>endlicher Automat {m} <EA>
4 Words: Nouns
law mil. absence without (official) leave [Am.] <AWOL>eigenmächtige Abwesenheit {f} <EA>
med. percutaneous electrical nerve stimulation <PENS> [electroacupuncture]Elektroakupunktur {f} <EA>
5+ Words: Others
pol. Ua Mau ke Ea o ka ʻĀina i ka Pono. [USA] [Hawaii state motto: The life of the land is perpetuated in righteousness.][Motto des US-Staates Hawaii: Das Leben des Landes wird in Rechtschaffenheit fortgeführt. / Das Leben des Landes bleibt in Rechtschaffenheit erhalten.]
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