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 | i.e. [id est] | 1536 sprich [nämlich, also, das heißt] |  |
 | honorary {adj} <hon.> | 35 ehrenhalber [nachgestellt] <e. h., eh.> |  |
 | e'en {adv} [chiefly poet.: even] | 31 gar [geh. für: sogar] |  |
 | unit exa- {prefix} <E> [10 ^ 18] | 21 Exa- <E> |  |
 | e'er {adv} [poet.] [ever] | 19 immer |  |
 | e'er {adv} [poet.] [ever] | 10 jemals |  |
 | for example {adv} <e.g.> | beispielhalber |  |
 | for example {adv} <e.g.> | beispielshalber |  |
 | exempli gratia {adv} <e.g.> | beispielsweise <bspw.> |  |
 | for example {adv} <e.g.> | beispielsweise <bspw.> |  |
 | spec. honoris causa <h.c.> | ehrenhalber <e. h., eh.> |  |
 | archaeo. hist. Early Helladic {adj} <E.H.> | frühhelladisch |  |
 | Internet e-mailed {adj} {past-p} | geemailt |  |
 | that is to say {adv} <i.e.> [namely, viz] | nämlich <näml.> |  |
Verbs |
 | Internet to e-mail sb. | jdm. emailen |  |
 | Internet to send sb. an e-mail | jdn. anmailen [ugs.] |  |
Nouns |
 | geogr. naut. east <E> | 697 Osten {m} <O> |  |
 | geogr. meteo. naut. east <E> | 100 Ost <O> [Himmelsrichtung] [ohne Artikel] |  |
 | rail express | 31 Eilzug {m} <E-Zug> |  |
 | e'en [chiefly Scot., poet.] [evening] | 17 Abend {m} |  |
 | drugs E [sl.] | 12 Ecstasy {n} [MDMA] |  |
 | relig. Church of England <C of E> <CE> <C.E.> <CofE> <COE> | [englische Staatskirche] |  |
 | mus. tenor horn [Br.] [occasionally referred to as E♭ horn] | Althorn {n} |  |
 | Internet notification via e-mail | Benachrichtigungsmail {f} |  |
 | explosive ordnance disposal <E.O.D.> | Bombenentschärfungskommando {n} |  |
 | explosive ordnance disposal <E.O.D.> | Bombenräumkommando {n} |  |
 | libr. publ. Britannica <E.B., EB> [short for: Encyclopædia Britannica] | Britannica {f} <E.B., EB> [kurz für: Encyclopædia Britannica] |  |
 | ling. mus. print e [letter, musical note] | e {n} [Buchstabe, Ton] |  |
 | ling. mus. print E [letter, musical note] | E {n} [Buchstabe, Ton] |  |
 | electr. I/O [PLC] | E/A {pl} [SPS] [Eingänge/Ausgänge] |  |
 | law breaking and entering <B&E> | Einbruch {m} |  |
 | EU pharm. submission number | Eingangsnummer {f} <ENR, E.-Nr.> |  |
 | mus. E sharp <E♯> | Eis {n} <E♯> [Ton] |  |
 | mus. E double sharp <Ex> | Eisis {n} |  |
 | material tech. unit tensile modulus <E> | Elastizitätsmodul {m} <E> |  |
 | material tech. unit Young's modulus <E> | Elastizitätsmodul {m} <E> |  |
 | material tech. unit modulus of elasticity <E> | Elastizitätsmodul {m} <E> |  |
 | material tech. unit tensile moduli [symbol: E] | Elastizitätsmoduln {pl} <E-Moduln> [Formelzeichen: E] |  |
 | automot. e-car | Elektroauto {n} |  |
 | automot. e-car owner | Elektroautobesitzer {m} |  |
 | bike electric bicycle <e-bike> | Elektrofahrrad {n} |  |
 | transp. electric truck | Elektrolastkraftwagen {m} <Elektro-LKW, Elektro-Lkw; E-LKW, E-Lkw> |  |
 | naut. electric engine room | Elektromaschinenraum {m} <E-Maschinenraum> |  |
 | electr. ecol. electric mobility <e-mobility> | Elektromobilität {f} <E-Mobilität> |  |
 | pol. promotion of e-mobility | Elektromobilitätsförderung {f} |  |
 | ecol. e-waste | Elektromüll {m} |  |
 | electr. phys. electron beam <e-beam, E-beam> | Elektronenstrahl {m} |  |
 | phys. electron neutrino <e neutrino> | Elektronneutrino {n} <e-Neutrino> |  |
 | bike electric bicycle <e-bike> | Elektrorad {n} |  |
 | e-waste | Elektroschrott {m} |  |