Dictionary English German: Dritt

Translation 1 - 16 of 16

third {adj} [attr.] [e.g. brood, car, copy, country, language]
Dritt- [z. B. Brut, Wagen, Ausfertigung, Staat, Sprache]
2 Words
bot. trimerous {adv} [in sets of three]zu dritt
in a threesome {adv}zu dritt
in sets of three {adv}zu dritt
third-party debtorDritt-Schuldner {m}
thirds [three equal parts that together make a whole]Dritt-Teile {pl} [auch: Drittteile] [veraltet]
3 Words
to come in in threeszu dritt hereinkommen
threesome [coll.]Sex {m} zu dritt
4 Words
There were three of them.Sie waren zu dritt.
We are three.Wir sind zu dritt.
There were three of us.Wir waren zu dritt.
to come in three at a timejeweils zu dritt hereinkommen
5+ Words
The three of us do it.Das machen wir zu dritt.
to sleep three to a bedzu dritt in einem Bett schlafen
Fiction (Literature and Film)
mus. F The Telephone, or L'Amour à trois [Gian Carlo Menotti]Das Telefon oder Die Liebe zu dritt
film F Thrill of a Romance [also: Thrill of a New Romance] [Richard Thorpe]Flitterwochen zu dritt
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