Dictionary English German: Damit

Translation 1 - 50 of 253  >>

SYNO   dabei | damit | hierbei | hiermit ... 
therewith {adv}
thereby {adv}
damit [dadurch]
so {conj} [in order that]
hence {adv}
that {conj} [in order that]
so that {conj} [in order that]damit
with it {adv}damit
for this reason {adv}damit
in order that {conj}damit
in so doing {adv}damit
with that said {adv}damit
as a result {adv}damit [daher]
with this {adv}damit [mit dem]
2 Words: Others
with that {adv}(und) damit
just so that ...bloß damit ... [bloß dafür, dass ...]
as a consequence thereof {adv}damit einhergehend
concomitant {adj} [formal] [naturally accompanying or associated]damit einhergehend [attr.]
so that sb./sth. would not ...damit jd./etw. nicht ...
in order that sb./sth. would not ...damit jd./etw. nicht ...
lest {conj}damit nicht
associated {adj} {past-p}damit verbunden
ipso facto {adv} [by that very fact]damit zugleich
Away with it!Fort damit!
Give it to me!Her damit!
Out with it!Hinaus damit! [ugs.]
Tell me!Raus damit!
Let's have it!Raus damit!
Spill!Raus damit! [Erzähl's mir.]
Spill it! [coll.]Raus damit! [ugs.] [Spuck's (schon) aus!]
Get this down (you). [coll.]Runter damit! [ugs.] [Iss das!, Trink das!]
Knock it off! [coll.]Schluss damit!
idiom None of that!Schluss damit!
That's the end of it!Schluss damit!
idiom Hence with it! [archaic]Weg damit!
Get rid of it!Weg damit!
Where to put it / this?Wohin damit?
2 Words: Verbs
to get the ball rolling [fig.]damit anfangen [die Sache in Gang bringen]
to reckondamit rechnen
3 Words: Others
..., so ......, und damit ...
idiom as if that weren't enoughdamit nicht genug
On top of that, ...Damit nicht genug, ...
Stop that!Hör auf (damit)!
Stow it! [Br.] [sl.]Hör auf (damit)!
Can it! [Am.] [coll.] [idiom] [Stop doing that!]Hör auf damit!
Stop it!Hör auf damit!
idiom Cut it out! [coll.]Hör auf damit!
idiom Cut that out! [coll.]Hör auf damit!
idiom Pack it in! [coll.]Hör auf damit!
Don't go on like that!Hör auf damit!
Knock it off! [coll.]Hör auf damit! [ugs.]
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