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| court {adj} [attr.] | 124 höfisch | |
Verbs |
| orn. to court [of a male bird to attract a mate] | 592 balzen | |
| to court sb. | 547 jdn. umwerben | |
| to court sth. [risk] | 316 etw.Akk. herausfordern [Unglück, Tod etc.] | |
| to court sb. | um jdn. werben | |
| to court sb. | jdm. den Hof machen | |
| to court sb. [dated] | um jdn. freien [veraltet] | |
| to court sb./sth. [also fig.] | um jdn./etw. buhlen [auch fig.] [um Applaus, Anerkennung etc.] | |
| to court sth. [try hard to win sth.] [wealth, fame, applause] | um etw. bemüht sein | |
Nouns |
| law court | 5053 Gericht {n} | |
| court | 1006 Hof {m} | |
| sports court | 875 Platz {m} [Tennisplatz] | |
| law court | 328 Gerichtshof {m} | |
| sports court | 299 Spielfeld {n} [Tennis, Squash, Basketball] | |
| court | 57 Spielplatz {m} | |
| court [household and entourage of a sovereign] | 46 Hofstaat {m} | |
| law court [instance] | 38 Instanz {f} [Gericht] | |
| sports court | 26 Court {m} [Tennis] | |
| hist. law court | 20 Gerichte {n} [veraltet] [Gericht] | |
| law court [panel of judges] | 15 Gerichtskollegium {n} | |
| court [holding of court] | 8 Hofhaltung {f} | |
| law [the court's right to reduce or abate (the fines or punitive measures)] | richterliches Mäßigungsrecht {n} | |
2 Words: Others |
| law at court {adv} | bei Gericht | |
| hist. at court {adv} | bei Hofe | |
| at court {adv} | am Hof / Hofe [am Hofe ist die eher historisierende, gehobene Form] | |
| at court {adj} [postpos.] | höfisch | |
| law in court {adv} | bei Gericht | |
| law in court {adv} | vor Gericht | |
| tout court {adv} | generell | |
| tout court {adv} [rare] | ohne Einschränkung | |
| tout court {adv} [in short, briefly] | kurz [gesagt, gefasst etc.] | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| idiom to court controversy | einen Streit anfachen | |
| idiom to court disaster | das Unglück herausfordern | |
| to court sb.'s favour [Br.] | um jds. Gunst buhlen [pej.] [geh.] | |
| mil. to court-martial sb. | jdn. vor ein Kriegsgericht stellen | |
| law mil. to court-martial sb. | jdn. vor ein Militärgericht stellen | |
| to hold court [also idiom, hum.] | Hof halten [auch Redewendung, hum.] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| (court) bailiff | Kuckuckskleber {m} [ugs.] [hum.] [Gerichtsvollzieher] | |
| (court) flunkey [pej.] [underling] | Hofschranze {f} [seltener oder veraltet {m}] [bes. fig.] | |
| hist. (court) jester | Hofnarr {m} | |
| (court) toady [pej.] | Hofschranze {f} [seltener oder veraltet {m}] [pej.] | |
| sports (grass) court | Rasen {m} [Tennis] | |
| law administrative court | Verwaltungsgericht {n} | |
| law Administrative Court | Verwaltungsgerichtshof {m} | |
| law naut. admiralty court | Seegericht {n} | |
| law appeal court | Berufungsgericht {n} <BerGer.> | |
| law appeals court [Am.] | Berufungsgericht {n} | |
| law appellate court | Appellationsgericht {n} [veraltet] | |
| law appellate court | Berufungsgericht {n} | |
| law appellate court | Beschwerdegericht {n} | |