Dictionary English German: Commandment

Translation 1 - 13 of 13

English German
NOUN1   a commandment | commandments
NOUN2   a Commandment | Commandments
SYNO   commandment | precept | teaching
relig. commandment
Gebot {n}
Vorschrift {f}
2 Words
relig. first commandment [also fig.]erstes Gebot {n} [auch fig.]
relig. Sabbath commandmentSabbatgebot {n}
3 Words
relig. to break a commandmentgegen ein Gebot verstoßen
breach of commandmentÜbertretung {f} eines Befehls
bibl. commandment of loveLiebesgebot {n}
commandment of loveGebot {n} der Liebe
4 Words
bibl. day of rest commandmentRuhetaggebot {n}
5+ Words
bibl. Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law? [Mt 22:36, ESV]Meister, welches ist das vornehmste Gebot im Gesetz? [Mt 22,36; Luther 1912]
relig. commandment to love one's enemiesGebot {n} der Feindesliebe
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F The Eleventh Commandment [Jeffrey Archer]Das elfte Gebot
film F The Great Commandment [Irving Pichel]Die Zehn Gebote
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