Dictionary English German: China

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NOUN1   china [porcelain] | -
NOUN2   China | -
SYNO   Cathay | China | Communist China ... 
NOUN   (das) China | -
SYNO   China | Reich der Mitte [ugs.] ... 
china {adj} [attr.] [e.g. clay, collection, doll, painter, vase]
Porzellan- [z. B. Erde, Sammlung, Puppe, Maler, Vase]
china {adj}
Porzellan {n}
geogr. China <.cn>
China {n}
china [Br.] [S.Afr.] [coll.] [from cockney rhyming slang: china plate "mate"]
Kumpel {m} [ugs.]
china [table ware]
Porzellangeschirr {n}
bot. T
2 Words: Others
Chinese-born {adj}in China geboren
2 Words: Nouns
biscuit chinaBiskuitporzellan {n}
biscuit chinaSchrühware {f}
biscuit chinaunglasierte Keramik {f}
bone chinaKnochenporzellan {n}
bone chinafeines Porzellan {n}
hist. Celestial Empirealtes China {n}
geogr. central ChinaZentralchina {n}
china blueKobaltblau {n}
furn. china cabinetGeschirrschrank {m}
gastr. China cap [conical strainer with larger holes than those of the chinois]Spitzsieb {n}
geol. china clayKaolin {n} [fachspr. {m}]
geol. mineral. china clayKaolinton {m}
geol. china clayPorzellanerde {f}
furn. china closet [esp. Am.]Geschirrschrank {m}
china collectionPorzellansammlung {f}
china cupPorzellantasse {f}
china cupTasse {f} aus Porzellan
mus. china cymbalChina-Becken {n}
china dishSchüssel {f} aus Porzellan
toys china dollPorzellanpuppe {f}
toys china dollPuppe {f} aus Porzellan
china eyePorzellanauge {n}
ind. china factoryPorzellanmanufaktur {f}
art toys china headPorzellankopf {m}
art China inkTusche {f}
relig. China missionaryChinamissionar {m}
china paintPorzellanmalerei {f}
art jobs china painterPorzellanmaler {m}
art jobs china painter [female]Porzellanmalerin {f}
art china paintingPorzellanmalerei {f}
china paintsPorzellanaufglasurfarben {pl}
print China paperChinapapier {n}
china platePorzellanteller {m}
geol. China PlateChinesische Platte {f}
comm. china shopPorzellanladen {m}
textil. China silkchinesische Seide {f}
china store [esp. Am.]Porzellanladen {m}
gastr. China teachinesischer Tee {m}
comm. econ. hist. China tradeChinahandel {m}
china vasePorzellanvase {f}
pharm. china-barkChinarinde {f}
gastr. Chinese restaurantChina-Restaurant {n}
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