Dictionary English German: Bur Eiche

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NOUN   die Bur-Eiche | die Bur-Eichen
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
Partial Matches
dent. burBohrer {m}
burFahrgeräusch {n}
burKlette {f}
bot. burKletthafter {m}
med. burSchorf {m}
burandauerndes Summen {n}
bot. T
dent. amalgam burAmalgambohrer {m}
dent. bur brushBohrerbürste {f}
bur curlerHaftwickler {m}
dent. bur cushionFräsenständer {m}
dent. tech. bur neckBohrerhals {m}
dent. bur shankBohrerschaft {m}
dent. bur standBohrerständer {m}
tech. carbide burKarbidbohrer {m}
dent. dental burZahnbohrer {m}
dent. finishing burFinierer {m}
dent. fissure burFissurenbohrer {m}
dent. tech. miniature burMiniaturbohrer {m}
dent. pinhole burPinlochbohrer {m}
dent. tech. steel burStahlbohrer {m}
dent. tech. tube burKanonenbohrer {m}
bot. oakletjunge Eiche {f}
bot. T
Eiche {f}
dent. tech. centering bur [Am.]Körnerbohrer {m}
dent. spherical bursphärische Fräse {f}
MedTech. automatic bur chuckAutomatikbohrfutter {n}
dent. bur cleaning brushBohrerreinigungsbürste {f}
med. cross-cut burQuerhiebbohrer {m}
dent. interdental (finishing) burInterdentalfinierer {m}
dent. tech. laboratory cutting burLaborstrichfräser {m}
dent. plug-finishing burFinierer {m}
dent. med. rose-head burRosenbohrer {m}
tech. stone setting burSteinruhfräser {m}
dent. tech. tungsten carbide burHartmetallbohrer {m}
constr. furn. material oaken {adj}aus Eiche [nachgestellt]
bot. oenol. T
Eiche {f}
bot. ancient oakalte Eiche {f}
British oakbritische Eiche {f}
bot. huge oakriesige Eiche {f}
constr. furn. material oak (wood)Eiche {f} [Holz]
bot. sturdy oakkräftige Eiche {f}
bot. sturdy oakstandfeste Eiche {f}
bur [Br.]Maserknolle {f} [Holzkropf] [Holztechnik]
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