Dictionary English German: Buch

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NOUN   das Buch | die Bücher
SYNO   Band | Bd. | Buch | Lektüre ... 
book {adj} [attr.] [e.g. artist, cover, illustrator, page, review]
Buch- [z. B. Künstler, Einband, Illustrator, Seite, Kritik]
Buch {n}
publ. volume
Buch {n} [Band]
quire [quantity of paper]
Buch {n} [Verpackungseinheit für Papier]
VetMed. zool. psalterium [Omasum]Buch {m} [kurz] [ugs. bzw. veraltet] [Buchmagen]
2 Words: Verbs
to check books against readers' requests(Buch) absignieren
to shelve a bookBuch einordnen
to put the book in orderBuch einordnen
acc. to keep an accountBuch führen
acc. econ. fin. to keep the accountsBuch führen
2 Words: Nouns
educ. primerAbc-Buch {n}
educ. lit. alphabet bookABC-Buch {n}
book similar to this oneähnliches Buch {n}
old bookaltes Buch {n}
morally offensive bookanstößiges Buch {n}
sensational bookaufsehenerregendes Buch {n}
significant bookbedeutendes Buch {n}
publ. book with the pages cutbeschnittenes Buch {n}
bibl. Book of Baruch (Bar)Buch {n} Baruch
bibl. Book of JudithBuch {n} Judit
bibl. Book of Ecclesiastes <Ecc>Buch {n} Kohelet <Koh>
bibl. Book of Tobit [Book of Tobias in older Catholic Bibles]Buch {n} Tobit
code bookCode-Buch {n}
big bookdickes Buch {n}
publ. weighty tomedickleibiges Buch {n}
slender bookdünnes Buch {n}
unique bookeinzigartiges Buch {n}
publ. electronic bookelektronisches Buch {n}
elevating bookerhebendes Buch {n}
libr. page-turner [coll.]fesselndes Buch {n}
complete bookganzes Buch {n}
publ. full-bound bookGanzleinen-Buch {n}
publ. bound bookgebundenes Buch {n}
publ. hardback (book)gebundenes Buch {n}
libr. publ. hardcover bookgebundenes Buch {n}
publ. hard cover (book)gebundenes Buch {n}
book of substancegehaltvolles Buch {n}
book that anyone can understandgemeinverständliches Buch {n}
closed bookgeschlossenes Buch {n}
visitors' bookGoldenes Buch {n} [einer Stadt]
relig. holy bookheiliges Buch {n}
relig. sacred bookheiliges Buch {n}
readable bookinteressantes Buch {n}
delightful bookköstliches Buch {n}
stuffy booklangweiliges Buch {n}
readable booklesenswertes Buch {n}
book worth readinglesenswertes Buch {n}
most-read bookmeistgelesenes Buch {n}
new bookneues Buch {n}
open bookoffenes Buch {n}
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