Dictionary English German: Brazil

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NOUN   brazil | brazils
SYNO   Brasil | Brazil ... 
geogr. Brazil <.br>
Brasilien {n}
2 Words: Nouns
cloth. brazil bikiniBrasilbikini {m}
cloth. brazil bikiniBrazilbikini {m}
cloth. brazil bikiniBrazil-Bikini {m}
cloth. brazil briefBrazilslip {m} [hoch ausgeschnittener Slip]
cloth. brazil briefBrazil-Slip {m} [hoch ausgeschnittener Slip]
cloth. brazil briefs {pl} [one pair]Brazilslip {m} [hoch ausgeschnittener Slip]
cloth. brazil briefs {pl} [one pair]Brazil-Slip {m} [hoch ausgeschnittener Slip]
geogr. Brazil CurrentBrasilstrom {m}
bot. Brazil nutParanuss {f}
FoodInd. spec. Brazil wax [E-903]Carnaubawachs {n} [E-903]
brazil woodRotholz {n}
for. brazil wood [Caesalpinia echinata]Brasilholz {n}
geogr. central BrazilInnerbrasilien {n}
geogr. central BrazilZentralbrasilien {n}
3 Words: Nouns
Brazil nut effectParanuss-Effekt {m}
Brazil nut oilParanussöl {n}
hist. Empire of Brazil [1822 - 1889]Kaiserreich {n} Brasilien
4 Words: Nouns
pol. Federative Republic of BrazilFöderative Republik {f} Brasilien
relig. Presbyterian Church of Brazil [Igreja Presbiteriana do Brasil]Presbyterianische Kirche {f} von Brasilien
5+ Words: Others
not for all the coffee in Brazil {adv} [Am.] [idiom]nicht um alles in der Welt [Redewendung]
not for all the coffee in Brazil {adv} [Am.] [idiom]um keinen Preis der Welt
not for all the coffee in Brazil {adv} [Am.] [idiom]um nichts auf der Welt [auf gar keinen Fall]
5+ Words: Verbs
idiom to be as hard as brazil [Br.]hart wie Eisen sein [fig.]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F Brazil - Land of the FutureBrasilien - Land der Zukunft [Stefan Zweig]
film F The Boys from Brazil [Franklin J. Schaffner]The Boys from Brazil
lit. F The Boys from Brazil [Ira Levin]Die Boys aus Brasilien
film F The Thrill of Brazil [S. Sylvain Simon]Sambafieber
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. gastr. T
bot. T
bot. T
Umbu {f}
zool. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
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