Dictionary English German: Braunes

Translation 1 - 39 of 39

ADJ  braun | brauner | am braunsten ... 
SYNO   Braunes [ugs.] | Dope [ugs.] ... 
brown eyebraunes Auge {n}
hist. mineral. brown lead-spar [Plumbum mineralisatum brunum]braunes Bleierz {n} [Braun-Bleierz, Braunbleierz, Saturnit]
biol. brown fatbraunes Fettgewebe {n}
biol. brown adipose tissue <BAT>braunes Fettgewebe {n}
drugs syra horse [sl.]braunes Heroin {n}
drugs street level H [sl.]braunes Heroin {n}
brown wrapping paperbraunes Packpapier {n}
equest. zool. bayardbraunes Pferd {n}
brown noisebraunes Rauschen {n}
relig. Brown Scapular [of Our Lady of Mount Carmel]Braunes Skapular {n} [der Karmeliter]
4 Words: Nouns
drugs brown sugar [sl.](braunes) Heroin Nr. 3 {n} [auch: Hongkong-Rocks]
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
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